{{note| Just a gangbangin' finger-lickin' disclaimer, dis Snoop Bloggy-Blogg is ghon be updated every last muthafuckin once up in a while, so check back if you wanna peep more.}}
“Da year is nineteen-ninety-nine.”
That sentence brangs me back ta mah ballin' kindergarten class when I was five muthafuckin years old, where we used ta read up tha date on tha blackboard every last muthafuckin single day. It make me wanna hollar playa! Da year 1999 exists as a stain up in mah mind however, as a memory dat aint gonna go away no matta how tha fuck I try ta forget dat shit. 1999 marked tha year I lost mah first tooth, mah last time on a plane, n' unfortunately tha early loss of mah childhood innocence.
That one memory dat refuses ta be wiped, all dat shiznit started wit dat freshly smoked up (or old) TV fo' realz. At dat time Pokémon was tha sickest fuckin fad ta hit tha school. Pokémon cards, games, stickers, n' da most thugged-out popular, tha TV show. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So of course every last muthafuckin time I came home from school, I would stay glued ta tha TV until Pokémon came on at five. Da only problem was dat mah daddy peeped tha shizzle at 5:30, n' Pokémon episodes was back-to-back, which meant I had ta miss a episode everyday, suttin' I whined on n' on about. My fuckin daddy gots pissed wit hearin me diss everyday, dat must be why da thug went n' looted another TV.
My fuckin daddy put tha TV his thugged-out lil' punk-ass looted up in mah room, unfortunately dat shiznit was just a old, lil' small-ass boob tube, wit rabbit ears even. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Well shiiiit, it also only had 20 channels available; not includin tha channel Pokémon was on. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. I recall I didn’t care though, I was just thrilled I had mah own TV up in mah room fo' realz. Afta surfin all up in tha channels, I came ta tha conclusion dat only channel 2 (TVO kids) was worth watchin so I peeped dat fo' a while. Well shiiiit, it wasn’t fo' another few months until I discovered channel 21. One dizzle up in April, I was flippin all up in tha channels, tryin ta peep if Pokémon was on. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. I pressed channel 21 tha fuck into tha remote, hopin there was mo' channels, n' ta mah delight there was. My fuckin daddy was surprised too yo, but he let me peep it cuz it seemed ta have lil playas programs on. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Da channel was called Caledon Local 21 n' lata I found up dat shiznit was indeed broadcasted from tha hood of Caledon, Ontario, a hood straight-up close ta mah hood.
Da shows I saw on Caledon Local 21 looked skankyly made, n' I never understood what tha fuck was goin on up in dem half tha time yo. However as I grew up, every last muthafuckin time I thought of dat channel, I realized mo' n' mo' how tha fuck messed up tha shows was n' I had ta ask mah dirty ass “What tha fuck was I watching?”
Da followin be a list of shows n' episodes I remember seein on Caledon Local 21, how tha fuck I remember such detail even disturbs me yo, but I guess thangs like dis stand up in yo' mind fo' a while. There was only three shows I could find on tha channel, probably cuz tha channel was only operationizzle between 4:00pm n' 9:00pm
;April, 1999
Booby-Episode 6: “Together”: I recall Booby was a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dirty-ass show where tha charactas was simply live action hands, no puppets or anything, just hands. Da show featured a hand named Booby whoz ass found his dirty ass up in a freshly smoked up thang every last muthafuckin episode. Da show was only 5 minutes long, n' looked like it gots popped up in front of a thugged-out damp, decayin wall, wit tha handz always on a table wit a red table cloth(Straight-up low budget obviously). This was tha straight-up original gangsta episode I watched. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Da episode fuckin started wit Booby tryin ta git ketchup outta a funky-ass bottle. Well shiiiit, it straight-up flossed his ass whoopin his dirty ass against tha bottom of tha forty fo' a phat 3 minutes. Finally another hand came by n' looked at Booby. “Together” Da other hand holla'd, n' it fuckin started whoopin tha forty as well, until some ketchup finally squirted up all over tha table (I remember chucklin slightly at dis part). Booby then stared all up in tha ketchup mess fo' all dem seconds, before turnin towardz tha camera as it slowly zoomed up in on his muthafuckin ass.
Mista MuthafuckinBear’s Cellar-Episode 12 : Straight-up sketchy name if you was ta peep it now a thugged-out days. Da show featured a muthafucka bustin a funky-ass bear mascot costume whoz ass would git a freshly smoked up visitor tha fuck into his cellar everyday. It make me wanna hollar playa! (Dat shiznit was always a kid) Da show was filmed wit a cold-ass lil camcorder, n' not a straight-up phat one either n' shit. Da five-o axed mah crazy ass a shitload of thangs bout dis show. This episode started wit Mista Muthafuckin Bear chillin at a table playin checkers by his dirty ass (I didn’t recognize it at first yo, but tha table was tha same ol' dirty one from Booby) yo. Dude sat there playin fo' a lil' bit until there was a knock on tha door. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. Da camera was then lookin up tha stairs all up in tha door, where there was another knock. Mista Muthafuckin Bear climbed tha stairs, n' opened tha door ta reveal two lil' lil' thugs. One was a funky-ass pimp bout mah age, n' tha other was a hoe whoz ass looked bout eight.
Mista Muthafuckin Bear danced up in delight, n' then started rappin' ta tha kids; I couldn’t hear any of dem dat well I remember n' shit. Mista Muthafuckin Bear then lead tha lil playas tha fuck into tha cellar, which was like dark, only lit by a lil' small-ass oil lamp on tha table. I can’t straight-up remember dat much more, except his ass rappin a cold lil' woo wop which I couldn’t hear too well either (Probably cuz of dat big-ass bear mask). Da episode ended wit dem playin hide-and-seek, wit tha lil playas hidin up in a cold-ass lil closet, n' Mista Muthafuckin Bear counting.
;May, 1999
Soup n' Spoon: I don’t be thinkin dis was even a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dirty-ass show, I be thinkin dat shiznit was mo' of a special porno thang fo' realz. All I know is I stopped watchin Caledon Local 21 fo' a while cuz I thought dis show was too stupid, especially since Pokemon now came on at 4:30 n' 5:00. I don’t remember much of dis yo, but it flossed a cold-ass lil can of chronic n' a spoon both attached ta strings, swingin back n' forth, as if one of mah thugs was holdin dem n' danglin dem up in front of tha camera. Interestingly enough, tha show gots popped up in a funky-ass basement, which looked just like tha one used up in Mista Muthafuckin Bear’s Cellar. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. Like I holla'd, I can’t remember much, tha only thang I can remember clearly was tha end.
Da entire thang was only half a hour, n' just include shiznit I found stupid, like fuckin tha spoon chasin tha chronic round tryin ta “Eat him”. Da endin flossed a table (the one from Booby once again) n' bout seven lil playas chillin round it, each wit a funky-ass bowl of chronic up in front of em. They was chillin n' lookin all up in tha camera yo, but wit confused, almost frightened faces. Da camera playa then held tha can of chronic up in front of tha lil playas n' holla'd “Spooooons ready?” And then it just stopped.
;July, 1999
Dat shiznit was summer, n' I hadn't peeped channel 21 fo' a while. Until one dizzle when I slept over at mah playa’s doggy den I decided ta check it up again. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. My fuckin playa had gotten a TV up in his bangin room fo' his sixth birthday, so we stayed up straight-up late (For us, 9:30 was straight-up late) n' peeped TV. That’s when I remembered channel 21 n' brought it up ta mah playa yo, but it ain't no stoppin cause I be still poppin'. Us dudes decided ta peep if dat shiznit was on, n' ta our surprise dat shiznit was (They must have chizzled tha broadcastin time).
Mista Muthafuckin Bear’s Cellar-Episode 23: This episode was entertainin fo' mah playa n' I, mainly cuz it had sbustin. But fuck dat shiznit yo, tha word on tha street is dat now when I be thinkin of dis episode, I realize suttin' was definitely wack when dat shiznit was filmed. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Da episode started wit tha camera on its side, while dat shiznit was facin Mista Muthafuckin Bear, whoz ass was struttin up stairs ta tha cellar door. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. Da camera then blacked up fo' on some second, before fadin in, back upright, n' facin Mista Muthafuckin Bear. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. There was also another kid rappin' ta his ass yo, but dis kid looked bout eleven or twelve.
Dude was rappin' ta Mista Muthafuckin Bear fo' a while yo, but I couldn't hear well (Again wit tha crappy camcorder) until tha kid started raisin his voice. Da kid was sayin how tha fuck dat shiznit was late n' his sista had ta bounce back ta tha doggy den, you could also hear mo' voices up in tha background. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I remember Mista Muthafuckin Bear clearly sayin “Git tha fuck out, you not invited.” wit a thugged-out deep voice muffled by tha bear mask. I remember mah playa n' I lookin at each other n' bustin up all up in tha mention of tha forbidden F word yo, but tha episode gots weirder n' shit. Da kid fuckin started climbin tha stairs before turnin round n' sayin how tha fuck da thug was goin ta booty-call tha police. Mista Muthafuckin Bear fuckin started breakin tha fuck into a run towardz tha kid, whoz ass started beatboxin n' hustlin as well. Da camera then cut out, n' dat was tha end of tha episode. Da channel then turned ta static shortly after.
Booby-episode 42: “Playin wit scissors”: One wet-ass afternoon I was bored, so I decided ta peep channel 21. When I started watching, some show on some muthafucka chillin up in a armchair was just finishing, I forget what tha fuck dat shiznit was bout though cause I gots dem finger-lickin' chickens wit tha siz-auce. When I first saw dis episode, I thought dat shiznit was fo' teenagers cuz it had blood up in it, n' dat shiznit was straight-up gross. When tha five-o holla'd at mah crazy ass every last muthafuckin thang, I now know whoz ass tha blood belonged to. Da episode flossed Booby n' another hand wit a ribbon round tha pinkie finger (Booby’s hoe). Booby was holdin scissors n' hoppin round back n' forth, while his wild lil' freakadelic hoe slowly swung round aimlessly.
Another hand blasted onto tha scene, dis hand was smalla though n' was jerkin round violently, as if one of mah thugs under tha table was forcin tha hand (And I lata found up dis was tha case) “Scissors is straight-up fucked up kids, so hold dem safely” Booby holla'd ta tha camera. I noticed I could also hear muffled screams yo, but I wasn’t shizzle where dat shiznit was comin from cuz of tha wack sound quality.
Booby’s hoe grabbed tha smalla hand, which was thrashin about, n' Booby went at it wit tha scissors yo. Dude started wit tha thumb, Dude opened tha scissors wide n' clasped dem onto tha thumb, blood fuckin started oozin up n' tha muffled screams was now straight-up loud. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! My fuckin five year oldschool self was straight-up grossed up n' that’s when I decided maybe Booby was a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dirty-ass show meant fo' teenagers or grown ups. Then tha scissors gots ta tha bone, a wack crunchin noise was heard, n' that’s when I turned tha TV off. I never discussed it wit mah daddy cuz I feared da thug would limit mah TV time.
;August, 1999
I didn’t wanna peep channel 21 afta dat Booby episode. In August I grew mo' curious ta peep Mista Muthafuckin Bear’s cellar fo' some reason though cause I gots dem finger-lickin' chickens wit tha siz-auce. Da last episode I saw of Mista Muthafuckin Bear was weird, n' had sbustin, which also made me be thinkin tha show was meant fo' teenagers. Nonetheless, I flipped onto channel 21 when mah daddy was busy.
Mista Muthafuckin Bear’s Cellar-Episode 28: Apparently dis episode had been playin tha entire month of August. Dat shiznit was studied a shitload by tha police. Da entire episode was just Mista Muthafuckin Bear chillin up in a cold-ass lil chair rappin' ta tha crew. “Wuz crackalackin' kidz muthafucka! Do you wanna visit mah cellar, biatch? If you do, please write me a letta at dis address!” Da screen then switched ta a white screen wit multi-colored lettas readin tha address, n' dat was what tha fuck remained fo' tha rest of tha episode.
And guess what tha fuck I straight-up did, biatch? I busted “Mista Muthafuckin Bear”, or dat sick bastard whoz ass portrayed his ass a letter n' shit. I done did it outta curiositizzle mostly; mah daddy was OK wit it cuz tha pimpin' muthafucka thought dat shiznit was a legit kid show yo, but then again n' again n' again he never saw any of what tha fuck was on channel 21. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So I freestyled a letta rockin mah dopest freestylin possible, I be thinkin I just holla'd how tha fuck I wanted ta hook up Mista Muthafuckin Bear, n' if Booby also lived up in tha cellar. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So mah daddy busted tha letta ta tha address Mista Muthafuckin Bear holla'd on tha show (it stayed on all dizzle anyway fo' some reason).
It took on some week ta git a response, which I was surprised I done did. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I still have tha letta I received August 15, 1999. Da letta read:
“Dear Elliot, Nuff props eva so-much fo' yo' letter, I would ludd ta have you up in mah cellar playa! We play games, peep pornos, n' go fire campin up in tha middle of tha woods!
“And fo'sho, Booby do live up in mah cellar; he be a phat playa of mine!
“Come ta mah doggy den at (Da five-o cut up dis address), 'Caledon', 'Ontario', 'CA'.
“I look straight-up forward ta havin funk wit you, nahmean biiiatch?
Love, Mista Muthafuckin Bear”
I can not believe mah daddy never found dis sketchy, cuz he straight-up took me ta tha crib fo' realz. And then that’s when tha five-o became involved, dem endless thangs, dem picturez of terrified kids, tha woods...
That brangs me ta why I’m freestylin dis blog, dat psycho n' his wild lil' playaz did some fucked up shiznit back then, n' now it seems he’s tryin ta git tha fuck into contact wit me again, tha entire five-o thang is comin back. That has brought 1999 back ta me, over a thugged-out decade lata it is goin down again.
;[Update] - 09/21/11
Muthafuckas done been emailin me askin what tha fuck exactly happened up in 1999, I'ma git ta dis shit. Those weird TV shows I was watchin apparently was meant ta attract lil playas ta Mista Muthafuckin Bearz house, what tha fuck Mista Muthafuckin Bear did shocked tha entire town.
My fuckin daddy straight-up drove me ta Caledon along wit tha address Mista MuthafuckinBear left on tha letter n' shit. Da doggy den was straight-up up in tha up skirtz of tha town, up in tha open farmland. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I still remember dat house. Well shiiiit, it looked like a olda farmhouse dat looked ta done been built up in tha early 1900s. Da windows was all boarded up, n' tha doggy den looked up in a state of disrepair fo' realz. As we strutted up ta tha house, I remember mah daddy checkin tha address over n' over again n' again n' again n' lookin all up in tha doggy den up in disbelief. Then tha door opened.
I expected Mista Muthafuckin Bear ta be all up in tha door yo, but I was surprised ta peep a five-o fool emerge from tha creakin doorway. Da fool fuckin started rappin' ta mah dad, while I quickly axed if dat was Mista Muthafuckin Bearz house. Da foolz grill cringed slightly n' muttered "Oh God" or suttin' like dis shiznit yo. Dude started rappin' on tha fuckin' down-lowly ta mah daddy so I couldn't hear, although mah daddy holla'd at mah crazy ass ta git all up in tha hoopty anyway fo' realz. And then our laid-back asses just went home. My fuckin daddy was on tha down-low tha whole way home. I felt suttin' strange had happened.
My fuckin daddy never holla'd at mah crazy ass what tha fuck happened fo' a while, I forgot bout it anyway like a muthafucka. Channel 21 no longer came on, n' when I axed bout it mah daddy would not acknowledge its existence. I be thinkin dat shiznit was when I was 13 where I hustled tha real deal. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack. I remembered channel 21 one day, n' axed mah daddy bout dat shit. I guess he finally decided I should hear tha real deal.
Caledon Local 21 was a local TV channel dat ran from October 1997-August 1999 up in tha Peel Region of Ontario. Da entire channel was made from a doggy den up in Caledon (Da one I hit up) n' run by a playa whoz ass was not straight-up known by mah playas up in tha town. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Da channel was only available ta olda TVs cuz tha signal was one only picked up by rabbit ears (Weaker frequency). Da playa pimped all tha shows on tha channel, all of which was kid shows yo. His hand was Booby, Dude was Mista Muthafuckin Bear, n' da thug was tha mysterious cameraman. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Da real reason his schmoooove ass pimped tha channel was mo' disturbin than what tha fuck was originally thought fo' realz. As you might have already guessed, he kidnapped lil playas n' held dem up in his cellar. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. But while most playas thought da thug was a serial lil pimp molester, he straight-up wanted ta use tha lil playas fo' another purpose. Da dizzle I arrived, tha playa had fled his fuckin lil' doggy den tha night before, tha dizzle before tha five-o went up in fo' they investigation. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. I wasn't tha only one whoz ass was watching.
;[Update] - 11/09/11
Sorry fo' not answerin any thangs fo' so long, I haven’t accessed mah email account fo' some time fo' realz. Anyway let me finally set thangs straight bout what tha fuck I know. Back up in October, I hit up tha doggy den previously owned by tha playa whoz ass ran Caledon Local 21. Two dem hoes lived there, operatin a thugged-out dizzle care bidnizz... how tha fuck ironic. Now ta answer tha thangs you muthafuckas emailed ta me:


Dum diddy-dum, here I come biaaatch! Who tha fuck else peeped Caledon' Local 21?


I know other playas peeped it fo' sure, includin dem lil playas whoz ass wound up at Mista Muthafuckin Bear’s crib fo' realz. Afta some Gizoogle searches, I found all dem playas on tha Neoseeker forums whoz ass was discussin shows from Caledon Local 21. They talked bout tha lil playas shows I peeped it yo, but also two other shows I had never peeped before fo' realz. A user named iamreallife seemed ta know all tha shows dat was broadcasted on channel 21; here is tha two I’ve never heard of:
::Da Fallen Angel n' Life - iamreallife busted lyrics bout it as a gangbangin' fairly borin show on some muthafucka ramblin on n' on up in front of tha camera bout how tha fuck we must please Satan n' appease his ass before it is too late.
::Paint With Da Soul - iamreallife n' another user called sigy92 was discussin dis show. They busted lyrics bout it as “Blair Witch like” as it consisted of tha cameraman wanderin round a gangbangin' forest at night, bustin not a god damn thang particularly interesting.
I’ll go lookin fo' tha conversation n' peep if I can git tha link.


Where is Mista Muthafuckin Bear, or tha muthafucka whoz ass wore tha costume?


If I did know, I would have holla'd earlier n' shit. I have no clue where dis muthafucka is, if he’s dead or kickin it (Hopefully dead). When I peep mah dad’s playa next time I'ma ask his ass bout this, maybe I can git a mo' definite answer.


What did Mista Muthafuckin Bear do ta tha children?


This is by far da most thugged-out common question I’ve been asked. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I found dis up in October as well, via mah dad’s playa whoz ass be a retired Caledon regionizzle fool fo' realz. Apparently tha playa playin Mista Muthafuckin Bear took tha lil playas outta tha doggy den n' tha fuck into tha forest nearby. What da ruffneck did there, five-o is not exactly shizzle how tha fuck it happened yo, but 16 charred bodiez of lil pimps between tha agez of 4-13 was found up in a 15 by 15 foot ditch deep within tha forest. My fuckin dad’s playa did not wanna go tha fuck into exact details yo, but I’m seein his ass next Thursdizzle anyway, so maybe I can extort mo' shiznit from his ass then.
That’s all I have fo' now, nahmeean, biatch? Thanks fo' keepin a interest up in mah blog, I'ma try ta gather as much shiznit as I can fo' mah next post. I’ve straight-up been gettin pretty horny bout dis mah self. Well shiiiit, it should be mah right ta know what tha fuck tha hell happened.
;[Update] - 2/1/12
I’m sorry I haven’t posted anythang fo' a while, I kind of lost interest up in dis Snoop Bloggy-Blogg since I hit a stand still while lookin fo' mo' shiznit bout tha identitizzle of tha balla of Caledon Local 21.
However all dem weeks ago, I struck gold. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I found some lyrics surprisingly from tha daddy of a kid I used ta babysit yo. Dude lives just across from mah street, n' I used ta look afta his fuckin lil playas when they was younger, his schmoooove ass currently don’t gotz a thang either n' shiznit yo. Dude used ta live near tha woodz outside of Caledon, n' witnessed tha baller’s activitizzles up in tha woodz yo. His name is Anthony Pollo.
When he lived up in tha lil' small-ass bungalow outside tha woods, da thug would often venture up in ta smoke a joint of da sticky-icky-icky or two before returnin ta his work as a wood craftsman. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Pollo busted lyrics bout dat sometimes da thug would hear voicez of lil pimps comin from deeper within tha woods, as well as a glowin light off up in tha distance. Pollo holla'd at mah crazy ass these events started up in late 1997 (Note: This is round tha time Caledon Local 21 fuckin started airing.) Dude apparently became annoyed by dis goin down every last muthafuckin once up in a while n' straight-up went ta investigate.
Pollo then busted lyrics bout what tha fuck tha whole scene looked like when he gots there, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. There was a crew of lil playas (Dude holla'd bout 13-17) n' ages 5–"12 gathered round a big-ass fire pit wit a funky-ass burnin fire. With dem was a single adult. Pollo talked ta tha playa (Notin his unusual unkempt appearizzle of a cold-ass lil crack addict, as well as his constant twitching) n' axed what tha fuck da thug was bustin up in tha forest wit lil' thugs. Da playa holla'd they was on a cold-ass lil campin trip, suttin' they did frequently. Pollo, not suspectin anythang (Caledon has one of tha lowest crime rates up in Canada) simply left it at dat n' holla'd at dem ta be on tha fuckin' down-lower n' shit. Pollo then paused fo' a while before spittin some lyrics ta me dat they never became on tha fuckin' down-lower, up in fact sometimes dat schmoooove muthafucka heard bangin chantin from tha lil pimps up in a unknown language yo. Dude didn’t bother meetin wit tha playa again, as da thug was movin anyway.
I holla'd at Pollo dat tha playa was probably tha balla of Caledon Local 21 yo, but da ruffneck doubted it, as dat schmoooove muthafucka heard dat tha playa was movin ta Pickerin by nuff muthafuckin other gangstas near dat area.
Here is what tha fuck I know now:
*Da Man would take lil playas tha fuck into tha woodz regularly fo' “camping”
*Da fire pit Pollo busted lyrics bout may be tha hole tha bodiez of tha lil pimps was found in
*Da lil pimps Pollo saw is probably tha ones found dead
*Da playa moved ta a cold-ass lil hood called Pickerin (A smalla hood eastside of Toronto)
I'ma say shit bout dis wit mah dad’s playa (Da ex-cop) n' peep if dis matches anythang tha five-o knew bout tha man. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. I also wanna peep if dat schmoooove muthafucka has any other knowledge of what tha fuck was aired on Caledon Local 21.
;[Update] - 3/20/12
Dope shizzle muthafuckas, I talked ta mah dad’s playa n' da ruffneck disclosed a shitload of shiznit fo' mah dirty ass. First I axed if tha five-o had any shiznit on tha playa whoz ass ran Caledon Local 21, he replied dat they have only had tha same leadz fo' muthafuckin years n' never found a suspect. But fuck dat shiznit yo, tha word on tha street is dat tha Peel regionizzle five-o do gotz a shitload of tha tapes found up in tha doggy den Caledon Local 21 was broadcasted from, tha pimpin' muthafucka took me over so I could peep a gangbangin' few. I guess I haven’t holla'd much bout his ass yet, mah dad’s playa’s name is Mitchell Wilson, a pimpin' sick muthafucka, da perved-out muthafucka seems ta KNOW mah thirst fo' knowledge on what tha fuck happened durin tha late 90s up in dat crib yo. Dude feels dat shiznit was wack dat mah daddy went so long without spittin some lyrics ta me much.
Dude took me ta tha Davis road five-o station (If you don’t know, it’s tha phattest station up in Caledon, n' one of tha phattest within tha Peel region itself.) Each of tha main stations round Peel gotz a shitload of tha tapes, tha Davis road station has 3. I gots ta peep all of em. Unfortunately I wasn’t allowed ta take any home fo' obvious reasons.
Booby-Episode 2: “Playas Is Like Flowers”: This was one of tha straight-up original gangsta Booby episodes made. Da camera qualitizzle looked crappier than usual (Possibly a even olda camcorder) but tha scene was set up in tha same place as tha Booby episodes probably took place. I recognized it instantly. Da episode fuckin started wit Booby swayin back n' forth contently fo' all dem secondz before another hand entered. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Da other hand was much smaller, lookin as if it belonged ta a lil' child.
Da smalla hand eagerly fuckin started bouncin round before slidin up ta Booby, brangin it’s fingertips together ta “Kiss” Booby fo' realz. Afta all dem seconds, Booby grabbed tha smalla hand n' squeezed it tightly. This continued fo' at least 10 secondz before tha camera slowly panned left until tha handz was outta sight. Da camera continued pannin until it flossed a wilted daisy lyin by itself. Da camera then zoomed up in on tha daisy slowly as a lil girl’s voice became audible sayin “Playas is like flowers up in tha garden of game.” Da episode then ended.
Paint With Da Soul-Episode 10: “Garbage Thrown Away”: Paint With Da Soul was one of tha shows dat iamrealife n' sigy92 discussed on neoseeker n' shit. I holla'd all up in tha five-o bout dis n' they informed mah crazy ass dat 12 episodez of tha show was made n' broadcasted between December 5, 1997' n' 'January 8, 1998'.
Exactly as iamrealife n' sigy92 busted lyrics about, tha episode opened wit tha camera playa wonderin round up in a gangbangin' forest. Well shiiiit, it rocked up ta be durin tha evenin as it seemed tha sun was setting. Da camera playa strutted along a path until he gots ta a area where there was a shitload of garbage layin up in tha leaves.
Da camera looked round all up in tha various wrappers, bottles, bags, n' boxes, makin shizzle each item gots all dem secondz of screen time. Da camera then focused tha fuck into a single area before tha playa spoke. I recall da perved-out muthafucka was rappin up in a straight-up timid on tha down-low voice, n' I swear I’ve heard it somewhere else before, like on another Caledon Local 21 show. I could barely hear what tha fuck da thug was sayin yo, but he mainly talked bout how tha fuck humans is garbage, or suttin' dat had ta do wit savin ourselves by cleanin up tha garbage (us). Well shiiiit, it straight-up sounded straight-up stupid yo, but still a gangbangin' feelin of dread came over me, I mean dat forest was possibly where dem bodies was found, right?
Mista Muthafuckin Bear’s Cellar-Episode 25: When tha five-o administrator brought dis tape in, I straight-up holla'd “Ohhh shit” n' chuckled a lil' bit up loud. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Of course I gots stares from tha staff yo, but Wilson explained ta dem bout mah lil experience wit Mista Muthafuckin Bear n' how tha fuck I still kept tha letta da perved-out muthafucka busted mah dirty ass. Like tha previous episodes, dis one included a muthafucka bustin a funky-ass bear mascot costume.
Da Episode fuckin started wit Mista Muthafuckin Bear waddlin over ta tha red clothed table wit a funky-ass forty of orange juice up in his handz (paws?). On tha table was sixteen blasted glasses as well as a lil' small-ass forty dat contained a unknown liquid. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Mista Muthafuckin Bear poured a equal amount of orange juice tha fuck into each glass before openin tha smalla forty n' depositin one drop tha fuck into tha glasses. Mista Muthafuckin Bear then went off-camera, there was some minor soundz like fuckin shuffling, n' then Mista Muthafuckin Bear emerged from behind tha camera’s location.
Peepin his ass was 16 children, some looked as lil' as four, others looked like they was practically teenagers fo' realz. As tha lil pimps entered, tha administrator commented dat dis is tha only episode dat flossed all 16 suckas.
Da lil playas all looked rather content except fo' dis one whoz ass had visible bruises on his wild lil' face, n' unlike tha other lil playas dat schmoooove muthafucka had a mo' fearful expression. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch yo. Dude also looked bout 11-12, which caused mah crazy ass ta recognize his muthafuckin ass yo. Dude was tha kid whoz ass had axed bout his sista n' subsequently kicked it wit a unknown fate all up in tha end of episode 23, dat one episode I peeped durin July 1999.
When I holla'd all up in tha administrator this, his schmoooove ass confirmed dat shiznit was tha same ol' dirty kid, da thug was also featured up in episode 24 (An episode dat only aired once at 3:00 up in July 1999, tha five-o have still not found tha tape). Mista Muthafuckin Bear then broke tha fuck into song, rappin bout citrus fruits n' how tha fuck phat vitamin C was fo' you (I could barely hear tha lyrics as they was muffled by tha bear mask). Da lil playas all drank they juice (Da one from episode 23 bustin it rather reluctantly), n' tha episode ended.
Afta viewin tha 3 tapes up in possession of tha Davis road five-o station, I’m satisfied yo, but only temporary. I still wanna know tha full story, tha five-o just keep givin me tha same crap bout tha creator of Caledon Local 21 bein a gangbangin' fetishist pedophile as well as a apparent cultist. I'ma sign off fo' now, git tha fuck into universitizzle first, git shiznit later n' shiznit yo. Hopefully I'ma git back ta dis Snoop Bloggy-Blogg quicker than a muthafucka.
;[Update] - 5/12/12
On April 17th I finally gots mah G2 licence (In Ontario, Canada dis allows you ta drive up in a cold-ass lil hoopty by yo ass as well as wit some passengers afta 6 months.) I of course took advantage of dis n' drove tha fuck into Caledon fo' a lil “Sundizzle drive”. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Since I haven’t updated dis Snoop Bloggy-Blogg up in a while, I figured I might as well visit tha doggy den where tha inhyped channel of mah childhood was located. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! This type'a shiznit happens all tha time. Da doggy den looked different than when I last saw it up in October n' shit. Da place was no longer used as a thugged-out dizzle care, n' just sat there abandoned. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! However it did gotz a “For Sale” sign showin dat one of mah thugs still owned it, wantin ta git rid of it though.
Da abandoned doggy den drew fuzzy memories from mah mind; mainly of dat dizzle mah daddy took me ta git on over ta Mista Muthafuckin Bear fo' realz. A feelin of dread came upon me, what tha fuck happened ta tha lil pimps while they was livin up in dat house, biatch? I strutted up tha steps ta tha front door n' peered all up in tha window. Inside I could peep a nearly empty hallway wit all dem boxes all up in tha end.
At tha end of tha hallway ta tha right was a open doorway presumably leadin ta tha kitchen. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. To tha left was two doors, both apparently leadin ta tha rooms visible all up in tha windows outside. I wondered where tha cellar entrizzle was located n' whether it had been sealed up. I strutted round ta tha back of tha doggy den n' found mah answer n' shit. Two wooden doors lyin at a almost flat angle was padlocked shut, dis had ta lead ta tha cellar. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. Not wantin ta hang round (Yo ass cannot imagine what tha fuck was goin all up in mah mind at dat time) I departed.
Behind tha house, tha empty field continued on until it reached a thugged-out dense forest dat lined tha horizon. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. I wondered if dat was tha forest where tha bodiez of tha lil pimps was found.. n' you KNOWS ta mah dirty ass “Fuck it” n' proceeded ta strutt across tha field behind tha doggy den tha fuck into tha forest. Da forest was oddly on tha fuckin' down-low, save fo' tha few periodic soundz of a woodpecker drillin tha fuck into a gangbangin' finger-lickin' distant tree. I cautiously made mah way deeper tha fuck into tha woods, not straight-up carin bout tha fact dat I had no clue where I was going. I don’t know how tha fuck ta explain it yo, but it felt like there was suttin' I had ta find. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I came ta a thinner part of tha woodz n' few lil' small-ass houses up in tha distance. Pollo’s doggy den crossed mah mind n' I wondered if one of these cribs had belonged ta his muthafuckin ass. I neared a lil' small-ass clearin up in which I could peep 3 adequately sized logs gathered round a funky-ass black, charred area (Showin a lil' small-ass fire had been lit there recently.)
“HEY! GET THE FUCK OUT OF OUR FORT” Those lyrics nearly gave me a ass attack. I turned ta mah left n' saw two dark-clothed playas hustlin towardz mah dirty ass. My fuckin initial thought was ta run, however as they came closer I saw they was straight-up just lil playas up in they early teens, possibly 13 or 14, maybe even 12 fo' realz. As they approached me, they realized mah size as well, I’m 6’1 while they could done been no bigger than 5’8 (One might done been 5’7). “We holla'd... git tha fuck out.” Da larger one whoz ass was bustin a Slipknot hoodie holla'd half-heartedly. I stood mah ground n' shrugged. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Da shorta one whoz ass was bustin a Metallica hoodie swung up a funky-ass butterfly knife n' held it up in mah direction. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. “Fuck dat shit, you wouldn’t want to.” I holla'd up in a thugged-out deep, straight-up tone (Tryin ta sound as badass as possible) I pulled up mah beeper.
Da two lil playas withdrew, tha one up in tha Metallica hoodie puttin away tha knife. “Look dude, our phat asses don’t like playas up in our fort, so can you just go?” tha one up in tha Slipknot hoodie holla'd, obviously intimidated. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! This type'a shiznit happens all tha time. I had no bidnizz up in tha forest anyway, so I uttered up a simple “Fine” n' turned before I realized I had a pimped out opportunity. “Did either of y'all hear of a muthafucka whoz ass bust a cold-ass lil cap up in bunch of lil playas up in these woodz about... 13 muthafuckin years ago?” I axed tha kids. Da two looked at each other up in mad drama, before tha one bustin tha Metallica hoodie answered “Yeah... EVERYONE knows bout dat muthafucka” da perved-out muthafucka holla'd ta me as if I was fuckin wack. Da kid up in tha Slipknot hoodie continued, “Dude still lives round here, up in tha storm drain... mah big-ass brother’s playa say da perved-out muthafucka saw his ass up in a funky-ass bear costume once wanderin round tha forest at night.”
My fuckin instincts holla'd at mah crazy ass dis was probably a lie, n' tha balla of Caledon Local 21 is probably long gone, only existin as folklore up in dis smalla isolated hood yo. However as a human, tha thought of tha mysterious unknown sparks interest within. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. “And where is tha storm drain?” I axed (Just outta curiosity, I don’t straight-up believe tha kid’s story). Da Kid up in tha Metallica hoodie stared all up in mah grill fo' all dem moments, his wild lil' fuckin eyes seemingly full of annoyance, yet curiositizzle fo' mah dirty ass. “You’re not from round here, is yo slick ass, biatch? Why did you even come here?” Now I do admit I was slightly startled by tha nature of his question, however I figured I might as well explain why I was there, just up in case playas mistook mah intentions. I holla'd all up in tha two lil playas bout mah experience wit tha playa n' Caledon local 21, n' dat I had ta come ta maybe seek up some sort of closure (Although though even I wasn’t exactly sure.)
Da lil playas seemed familiar wit tha channel as they smiled n' looked at each other when I mentioned dat shit. They also became mo' understandin n' gave me a thugged-out detailed description on how tha fuck ta git ta tha storm drain. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Shortly after, I decided ta just turn round tha way I came n' head back ta tha house, leavin tha lil playas at they fort. But now you’re probably wonderin why I left up such detail bout what tha fuck tha lil playas holla'd at mah crazy ass just now, it is it cuz I’m choosin ta conclude what tha fuck I have gathered now, nahmeean?
Here is what tha fuck tha lil playas holla'd at mah crazy ass up in detail:
*Da storm drain lies ahead of tha kids’ fort, tha same direction I was heading
*Da drain endz at a lil' small-ass river, where access wata is drained out. Near here be a lil' small-ass playground (Da lil playas holla'd at mah crazy ass playas rarely use it)
*Da playa supposedly lives up in tha big-ass pipe dat drizzle wata drains up of, playas have peeped him, although always either bustin a funky-ass bear mask or tha mask n' a gangbangin' full body bear costume. (Note: I do not believe dis is true, n' up in fact simply a myth made by tha gangstaz of Caledon. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Da rap do not seem plausible up in any way, why did no one call tha police, biatch? Didn’t dis muthafucka look suspicious, biatch? And other thangs like these leave tha rap invalid.
*I may visit tha storm drain. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Not cuz I believe tha rap yo, but cuz I want a excuse ta git on over ta Caledon again, so dis Snoop Bloggy-Blogg don’t take a thugged-out dirtnap (With no mo' tapes ta peep it, I don’t know what tha fuck ta rap bout no mo'!).
Thanks fo' continuin ta support me n' mah blog. I be bloggin like a muthafucka up in dis biatch. I know nuff is lookin forward ta mo' shiznit bout what tha fuck happened up in Caledon durin tha year 1999, n' I'ma do mah dopest ta continue mah research tha fuck into tha topic. Elliot out.
;[Update] - 10/4/12
Shiznit muthafucka nearly 5 months since I last updated. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! This type'a shiznit happens all tha time. I’m guessin mah playas pretty much be thinkin I was dead right, biatch? Thankfully I’m not. But up in all mah seriousness, I straight-up done been gettin busy like a biiiatch these past few months, n' a funky-ass Snoop Bloggy-Blogg bout suttin' dat could have capped mah crazy ass as a kid be a lil low on mah current prioritizzles list fo' realz. Az of now I be livin up in Waterloo Ontario, attendin tha Universitizzle of Waterloo fo' computa engineerin (Yeah I’m a keener) fo' realz. As you can imagine, engineerin is no strutt up in tha park, so obviously I nearly forgot bout dis blog. I be bloggin like a muthafucka up in dis biatch. But as you can peep now, I be back.
I remembered ta git on over ta tha storm drain tha lil playas from tha Caledon forest holla'd at mah crazy ass about. Dat shiznit was up in a cold-ass lil clearin between tha wooded areas, nearby a marsh. Unfortunately, I found straight-up nothing; save fo' a turtle dat retreated tha fuck into its built-in home when it saw mah dirty ass. I snapped some pics of tha pipe which I have posted as well fo' realz. Also, let me rap dat shiznit was NOT a storm drain like they holla'd it was.
What I saw was a simple pipe, possibly ta channel tha access wata from tha marsh. When I returned from Caledon however, I simply kept puttin off uploadin every last muthafuckin thang until I forgot all bout mah blog. I be bloggin like a muthafucka up in dis biatch. Well shiiiit, it just didn’t seem blingin no mo' (Please forgive me). Well shiiiit, it wasn’t until only recently dat I be now horny bout mah case again. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. On September 10th, I received a email from dis email address: returntheb@hotmail.com
Funny, is I right, biatch? Well it gets mo' betta n' shit. I’m goin ta copy n' paste tha exact email dis muthafucka busted me:

''Dear Elliot,''
''My fuckin dear, dear boy,''
''I have missed you eva so much, oh how tha fuck you’ve grown! Yo crazy-ass twinklin eyes have stayed tha same however, dem eyes lookin fo' adventure, oh how tha fuck imaginin dem brangs warmth ta mah oldschool bear ass. That dizzle you came ta git on over ta me I felt so aiiight I wanted ta go up n' pick strawberries yo. Dude holla'd at mah crazy ass you would come looking! Oh yeaaaa tha pimpin' muthafucka holla'd at mah crazy ass you would come looking!''
''Now it is ghon be soon, you won’t be all kindsa lonely soon! I’m eva so sorry I couldn’t say wassup when you came ta visit, not once, 2 times muthafucka! Do not threat however, yo big-ass booty is ghon soon finally git ta fuck wit tha other lil' thugs. I'ma try makin mah cellar even mo' cozier than before!!!''
''100 fuzzy hugs,''
''Mista Muthafuckin Bear''

Now obviously dis letta is fake yo, but still I wanna give props ta whoever busted dat shit. Just readin dis letta creeped mah crazy ass up yo, but cuz of it, I be now full of dis freshly smoked up interest ta continue mah blog. I be bloggin like a muthafucka up in dis biatch. I guess its just funky tryin ta pursue tha mysteries I’ve always questioned. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Now mah roommate knows bout all of this, tha pimpin' muthafucka thought tha letta was real, he straight-up seemed mo' scared than I was fo' a second. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! But then I shrugged it off, so da ruffneck did like a muthafucka. I mean, what tha fuck is tha chancez of dis bein real, biatch? How tha fuck would “Mista Muthafuckin Bear” know when I went ta Caledon on dem occasions, biatch? Mo' or less know mah email or me still be horny bout his cellar yo. Ha.
I’m goin ta bust a reply ta “returntheb”. Fuck dat shit, just lookin all up in tha email address, you can tell one of mah thugs wanted ta freak me out. Well shiiiit, it didn’t straight-up work though, although ta whoever yo ass is, fuck you fo' sparkin mah interest back tha fuck into tha full matter n' shit. Maybe I can smoke up mo' bout what tha fuck happened ta “Mista Muthafuckin Bear”, hopefully cuz although I don’t loot dat email, a part of me still feels anxious. Nuff props ta all dem playas whoz ass is still followin me n' have become avid fans, yo ass be also why I be choosin ta continue this!
Thanks muthafuckas.
;[Update] - 11/09/13

Shiznit muthafucka I can't believe dis Snoop Bloggy-Blogg aint been deleted yet, I aint posted anythang fo' so long. I have mah reasons n' I'd rather not say shit bout dem just yet, its been a rather... traumatic year fo' mah dirty ass. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Some of y'all was right, I shouldn't have gone back tryin ta relive tha mysteriez of mah childhood yo, but I couldn't resist. Its been over a year since mah last post n' a shitload has happened. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Letz recap where I be at right now wit regardz ta tha whole “Mista Muthafuckin Bear” incident.

* returntheb@hotmail.com is no longer up in use, I tried replyin ta tha email but I gots no reply. I tried again n' again n' again back up in March, still no response.
* I've straight-up moved up ta Ottawa (Capital of Canada fo' dem playas whoz ass don't give a fuck) fo' universitizzle so I aint been back ta Caledon or back home up in tha Peel region fo' a while. I had mah reasons fo' leavin as you could guess why.
* I've had ta cook up a freshly smoked up email account cuz playas keep prank mailin me pretendin ta be Mista Muthafuckin Bear. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. Thanks a shitload muthafuckas (not).
* Why have I ventured back ta dis blog, biatch? Mitchell Wilson (Remember mah dadz ex-cop playa?) gave me a funky-ass beeper call on October 23 on some tape dat was found up in a funky-ass branch of tha Brampton hood library. Brampton is mah hometown up in case you aint picked up on dis shiznit yo. Dude fronts he aint allowed ta say shit bout tha contentz of tha tape wit me as it is still up in evidence but he axed mah crazy ass ta come check it up when I return home. That tape gots tha gears grindin again n' again n' again cuz we all know what tha fuck was tha last tapes I saw. I can only imagine what tha fuck can be on it, I be guessin it must have suttin' ta do wit Caledon Local 21.

I guess I just wanted ta say I be continuin dis Snoop Bloggy-Blogg n' fuck you fo' all dem fools dat still bigs up dat shit. I don't give a fuck when mah next entry is ghon be yo, but when I peep dat tape I be bout ta write what tha fuck I find. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I don't give a fuck what tha fuck ta expect yo, but tha scam of seein another tape has gotten me horny bout dis whole mystery all over again.

;[Update] - 01/16/14
Its been a long-ass year fo' mah dirty ass. Universitizzle has been givin me tha usual chillless nights especially since I transferred ta Ottawa which is THE place ta jam (sarcasm). But now I be back home wit mah daddy up in Brampton, tha hood I grew up in. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. I gots home on tha 18th of December n' done been visitin wit playaz n' crew, or at least thatz what tha fuck I would rather have done. Now dat festizzle holidizzle cheer dat I probably have at dis time of tha month be absent.
To answer tha hundredz of emails n' comments I gots –" yeaaaa I did peep tha tapes dat mah dadz playa (Mitchell Wilson) promised ta show mah dirty ass. These tapes however act as a cold-ass lil curse; I wanna know more, yet I wanna forget every last muthafuckin thang. I couldn't help it, I NEEDED ta peep dem tapes. Not only fo' mah dirty ass yo, but fo' all of y'all muthafuckas whoz ass is just as intrigued as I be by dat ominous playa up in a funky-ass bear suit from mah past. However afta viewin dem tapes I feel dat pit of dread deep inside me once again, dat feelin where I know dat all dem lil playas up in dem vizzlez is dead, dat I could done been one of dem kids, n' dat humanitizzle be a thugged-out dark, dark place. If you aint skipped dis paragraph fo' tha “juicier” details below, fuck you fo' listenin ta mah rambling.
On Friday, Wednesday, January 1st, I called Mitchell Wilson n' axed if there was a time where I could come by n' view tha tapes. Things was pretty slow all up in tha station cuz of a snow storm so da perved-out muthafucka holla'd I could come down anytime dat day. It make me wanna hollar playa! Da tapes was located at a funky-ass branch not too far from mah dirty ass. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So I braved tha slushy roadz n' shitty Brampton drivers n' made mah way ta tha Peel regionizzle five-o station located all up in tha Bramalea hood centre.
I kicked it wit Wilson all up in tha front desk where tha pimpin' muthafucka then lead mah crazy ass up ta tha second floor n' tha fuck into a lil' small-ass crib yo. Dude instructed mah crazy ass ta git a seat n' wait while da thug went n' gots tha tapes. Before leavin tha crib tha pimpin' muthafucka turned ta me n' and holla'd “I know you curious but... is you shizzle you wanna do this?” Of course I did, or at least thought so. Besides Wilsonz playa had pulled a shitload of strings ta git me up in there n' I didn't wanna waste tha opportunity. This particular station had 4 tapes on hand. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I was only allowed ta peep 3 of dem however cuz tha 4th tape was apparently too damaged ta be played on a VCR.
Paint With Da Soul-Episode 3: “How tha fuck ta Dust a Room”: I had almost forgotten bout dis show, I never did peep it on TV but I did peep dat one episode all up in tha Caledon five-o station. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Da episode opened up tha camera pannin round a lil' small-ass empty room. There was a window on tha wall opposite of tha door, outside dat shiznit was light out. Da cameraman strutted towardz tha window revealin a lil' small-ass clearin before a thugged-out dark, thick forest bout 15 feet from tha window. Da cameraman panned round ta grill tha door n' finally spoke; “T-todizzle I be g-goin ta s-s-show yous how tha fuck ta p-properly dust a r-room” I recognized tha cameramanz voice as tha same ol' dirty from before: Quiet, timid, only dis time wit a cold-ass lil clear stutter.
Now herez where thangs gots weird. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Da cameraman aimed tha camera at his wild lil' feet, revealin a metal broomstick, n' grabbed it wit his wild lil' free hand. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! His hand was dat of a white thug so dat shiznit was easy as fuck ta peep tha fresh, bright red blood dat covered dat shit. Da playa then explained dat up in order ta git tha room sick n' dusted, you had ta make sacrifices fo' realz. And wit dat tha playa fuckin started ta smash tha white plastered ceilin wit tha broomstick. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Soon there was a thugged-out dope hole up in tha ceiling, revealin tha wooden slats dat made up tha roof. Da floor was now pretty messed up wit chunkz of ceilin litterin tha floor as well as a cold-ass lil coatin of plasta from tha ceiling. Da playa aimed tha camera all up in tha floor n' fuckin started ta smash tha larger ceilin pieces wit his Nikes. Da playa then backed up ta tha door n' had tha camera show tha mess dat schmoooove muthafucka had pimped. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! This type'a shiznit happens all tha time. “A-a-and now tha room is... is...” tha episode ended before his schmoooove ass could finish.
Wilson warned mah crazy ass dat tha next two tapes was mo' disturbing. I insisted ta keep watchin although a voice all up in tha back of mah head holla'd at mah crazy ass I shouldn't
Booby-Episode 30: “Lil Pimpz of tha Light”: Dat shiznit was Booby, one of tha shows I had straight-up peeped it as a kid. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I had never peeped dis episode before n' now I wish dat was still true. Da episode opened up tha same way as every last muthafuckin other episode I had seen. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch fo' realz. A single adult hand (Booby) was rockin back n' forth fo' realz. Afta all dem secondz Booby turned towardz tha camera n' holla'd “Joints is sung tha dopest when sung by children!”. Da hand then disappeared outta view below tha table.
Afta all dem mo' secondz suddenly tha picture cut ta outside, aimin at a funky-ass bonfire up in a lil' small-ass pit. Dat shiznit was night n' it rocked up ta be up in a lil' small-ass clearin up in a gangbangin' forest, although dat shiznit was hard ta tell cuz of tha camera quality. Da camera then zoomed tha fuck into tha fire which was burnin fairly steadily. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Suddenly a human hand was forced tha fuck into tha fire by a pair of adult human hands. Da hand was small, presumably belongin ta a cold-ass lil child, n' was bein held firmly up in place by two larger hands. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sound was absent fo' tha straight-up original gangsta few secondz until a cold lil' woo wop fuckin started playing. Da cold lil' woo wop I recognized from mah childhood, I would rap it up in church or up in dis muthafucka (I went ta a cold-ass lil catholic elementary school). If you don't give a fuck it herez a link ta a YallTube vizzle: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHXuAOVp8Ks Lil Pimpz of tha Light].
That cold lil' woo wop fuckin started playin as tha hand was bein held up in tha orange flames. Well shiiiit, it continued as tha hand struggled ta escape tha larger handz grip, it continued as tha flesh of tha hand fuckin started ta turn beet red n' peel away, it continued as dark smoke fuckin started risin from tha hand. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Well shiiiit, it must have taken only all dem minutes fo' tha hand ta become blackened save fo' tha few instancez of white bone visible under tha charred flesh. Fuck... dat image is burned tha fuck into mah mind. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Da hand was now limp, it no longer moved. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Da episode then ended.
Mista MuthafuckinBear’s Cellar-Episode 30: Mista Muthafuckin Bear never ceases ta disturb me, especially afta what tha fuck almost happened when I was younger n' shit. This episode took place outside up in a gangbangin' forest at dusk, makin it slightly hard ta peep especially thankin bout tha qualitizzle of tha film (A trademark of anythang from Caledon Local 21). Da episode started wit tha camera bein held up in tha “paws” of Mista Muthafuckin Bear aimin it at his dirty ass.
That bear mask... it looked mo' sinista up in tha shadowz of tha trees. Da unmistakable muffled voice was rappin up; “Wuz crackalackin' children! Todizzle I'ma be bustin a straight-up dope thang fo' mah playas, I'ma be deliverin dem ta a gangbangin' faraway land where they will surely be happy!” Mista Muthafuckin Bear turned tha camera round ta show a ATV wit a attached traila (Like [https://archive.is/20140117072230/www.countryatv.com/cm7500atvtrailer.jpg this]) but what tha fuck stood up da most thugged-out was dat tha traila contained seven motionless lil pimps lyin side by side. “T-this here is tha straight-up original gangsta load yo, but mo' is ghon be on they way soon!” Mista Muthafuckin Bear turned round n' pointed tha camera at a big-ass burlap tarp spread on tha ground.
Dude picked tha tarp up revealin a big-ass hole dat must done been at least 12 feet deep n' maybe bout 15 feet wide. Da rest of tha episode consisted of Mista Muthafuckin Bear takin each kid n' droppin dem tha fuck into tha hole. I axed Wilson if they was dead ta which da perved-out muthafucka shook his head n' replied “Not yet”. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Soon all tha lil playas was up in tha pit, some was up in awkward positions cuz of bein tossed up in yo, but they remained unconscious. “Da vitamin C will surely help these lil pimps on tha pimped out trip dat awaits them!” Mista Muthafuckin Bear mentioned as he panned tha camera towardz multiple bottlez of gasoline beside a funky-ass bush. Da camera zoomed tha fuck into tha bottlez as Mista Muthafuckin Bear hummed before tha episode ended. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka!
Wilson revealed ta me dat these was 7 of tha 16 suckas found burnt ta a cold-ass lil crisp. Da gasoline is what tha fuck tha playa playin Mista Muthafuckin Bear used ta light dem on fire fo' realz. A pit full of burnin lil' thugs... whoz ass tha fuck would do that, biatch? That feelin of dread found mah crazy ass once again n' again n' again when I realized dat I could done been one of dem kids.
Wilson then explained ta me dat dat schmoooove muthafucka had previously lied n' tha 4th tape owned by tha Bramalea five-o branch did indeed work n' contained tha filmin of tha actual burnin yo. However he felt dat I wouldn't be able ta handle tha “Disturbin n' graphic” nature of tha episode fo' realz. And you know what, biatch? Maybe I can't. I don't even wanna peep dat shit. I be satisfied fo' now yo, but I just need some time ta git mah dirty ass together n' shit. Da thang is, tha playa whoz ass ran Caledon Local 21 is still up there, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho.
Mo' ta come soon.
- Elliot


Back up in tha day...
There lived a funky-ass pimp named Elliot
Elliot was smart-ass pimp whoz ass loved playin wit his wild lil' playas
One dizzle he peeped a ghettofab televizzle show on some funky-ass bear n' his fuckin lil pimps playas
Da lil pimps loved helpin each other as phat lil pimps should yo, but they also loved tha bear
Da bear loved tha lil pimps since tha lil pimps was so phat at helpin his ass n' tha fallen angel
Da lil pimps n' tha bear wanted ta play forever wit tha help of they playa Booby
But tha fallen angel needed even mo' help, so tha lil pimps had ta give tha illest sacrifice
Because thatz what tha fuck playaz do Elliot
They help each other
Help our asses Elliot, burn wit our asses Elliot
I want you Elliot, da thug wants you Elliot
Come back ta mah cellar
Pretty please wit ''sugar'' n' ''icing'' on top!

- Mista Muthafuckin B


[Update] - 04/14/15

I wanted ta update more, I truly done did. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! However certain circumstances had turned mah crazy ass off tha whole Caledon Local 21 thang. I’ve since then had hundredz of emails bout mah Snoop Bloggy-Blogg n' was even up in contact wit a magazine bout mah story. But now is tha time ta come clean ta everyone, where have I been fo' a entire year, biatch? Da rap of Pandoraz Box is true, n' I opened dat shit. I opened it last June when I peeped tha 4th tape up in possession of tha Bramalea five-o branch. Da other subject I’d like ta address is tha number of joke/fake emails I’ve been gettin from playas frontin ta be Mista Muthafuckin Bear. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. Let’s start wit tha 4th tape, dis is what tha fuck traumatized mah crazy ass tha fuck into stoppin mah search temporarily.
Afta all dem weekz of playin silent, I decided ta ask Mitchell Wilson if I could view dat inhyped 4th tape dat schmoooove muthafucka had talked about. I don’t know why, I just felt dat viewin dat tape would break me off some closure. Wilson was obviously reluctant ta show me yo, but I was persistent yo. Dude gave me a offer, if I was still interested by tha time I turned 20 da thug would show me tha tape. Not bein able ta do much else, I just played tha waitin game. By tha time I turned 20 up in June, I was definitely still horny bout viewin tha tape. I gave Wilson a cold-ass lil call up in which he admitted dat dat schmoooove muthafucka had hoped dat I would forget bout askin his ass again yo, but I was not takin no fo' a answer n' shit. "Yo ass straight-up don’t need ta peep dat shit." Dude kept spittin some lyrics ta me yo, but I did need ta peep it, I ''had'' ta at dis point. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sheezy enough he invited mah crazy ass ta tha Bramalea branch one Mondizzle afternoon. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch yo. Havin peeped every last muthafuckin Saw film n' a vizzle of animal slaughterhouses up in mah ethics class, I was shizzle I would be able ta handle whatever tha tape could throw all up in mah grill yo. How tha fuck optimistic I was...
Mista Muthafuckin Bear’s Cellar - Episode 31: When Wilson went ta collect tha tape from evidence, tha fool up in charge of tha evidence room shook his head at me, his wild lil' grill sayin "What is you bustin?" Wilson explained dat dis tape includes tha last known episode of Mista Muthafuckin Bear’s cellar. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. I rightfully assumed dat I would be seein tha fate of tha children, I fuckin started ta feel a sense of dread. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka!
Da episode opened inside a gangbangin' forest, tha usual one from tha previous episodes. This fact took me a while ta realize cuz dat shiznit was night, tha trees n' leaves just looked like shapes ridin' dirty round up in tha darknizz fo' realz. A faint glow of light was present on tha right side of tha screen. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. There wasn’t any apparent audio, it rocked up ta be a windy night yet tha trees weren’t makin any noise. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Slowly, tha camera fuckin started ta pan towardz tha glow, revealin smoke risin from a hole wit tha tipz of flames peakin over tha top. Wilson paused at dis point; "Is you shizzle you wanna peep this?" he axed mah dirty ass. I insisted on it, even though a voice up in mah head was spittin some lyrics ta me not to.
Da vizzle continued, tha cameraman moved towardz tha hole, showin a pit of fire. This was tha hole dat I had peeped up in tha previous episode. Only dis time dat shiznit was filled wit shapes. I could peep shapes movin around, fluttering, flailing... some motionless. I knew perfectly well what tha fuck they were, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. Da camera fuckin started ta adjust ta tha light and... burnin flesh, red, black, a funky-ass blur of surreal movement n' colors. I wish I could forget what tha fuck I saw yo, but you can't forget a scene like all dis bullshit. This was not a horror porno, dis was realitizzle yo. Human beings bein capped up in a horrifyin way, a gangbangin' fate dat I could have potentially met.
Da vizzle suddenly cut ta dawn, tha camera now positioned farther away from tha hole. Da fire was out, however there was still smoke smoulderin up fo' realz. A figure was up ahead. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I recognized it right away, tha Mista Muthafuckin Bear suit was laid up on tha ground. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Empty, it looked just as unnerving. Da suit was laid up in tha shape of a cold-ass lil cross, tha cameraman did a lap round tha suit, treatin it like a treasured artifact. Placed all up in tha head of tha suit was a sign. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. In bold red letters, INRI was printed. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! This type'a shiznit happens all tha time. Da cameraman moved back ta tha end of tha suit, zoomin up in ta tha bear’s face. Da episode finally ended. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka!
I was speechless, dat shiznit was like a thugged-out dream. Yo ass can find a shitload of shitty thangs on tha internizzle but I had never peeped anythang like all dis bullshit. Wilson axed if I was aiiight n' I replied wit a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dirty-ass shaky "yes". I assured his ass as our slick asses left dat I was fine n' dat tha vizzle gave me some closure over tha whole incident yo. Dude didn’t seem too Kool & Tha Gang up in me yo, but he left it at dis shiznit yo. Dude was right though, I had nightmares fo' weeks. I gave up, I didn’t care bout tha whole thang no mo' fo' realz. A sick playa burned a funky-ass bunch of lil playas kickin it, attractin dem wit a gangbangin' fake kid’s TV channel. I could done been one of his suckas, yet I’m still here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. I suppose I should be grateful yo, but I feel guilty fo' realz. Am I still here only by pure luck, biatch? 10 months lata I’m back yo, but now I need ta address suttin' else.
My fuckin email has been flooded wit lyrics, some playas ask fo' mo' details, some ask if I can upload tha tapes, n' some playas email me frontin ta be Mista Muthafuckin Bear. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. First, I cannot git tha tapes uploaded as they’re A) In five-o evidence n' B) I have no clue how tha fuck ta git VHS onto tha computer n' shit. Now ta playas pretendin ta be Mista Muthafuckin Bear: You’re not foolin me, when you have dozenz of playas pretendin ta be tha same thug it don’t work. I’ve even peeped a gangbangin' fake Caledon Local 21 YallTube channel which is cute yo, but still not real. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack. Even mo' buggin is tha fact dat one of mah thugs jacked mah account just ta put up some demented poem bout me on dis blog. I be bloggin like a muthafucka up in dis biatch. I’ll leave it up in tha entry above dis one, just ta show you muthafuckas. I have contacted a admin bout tha entry n' was holla'd at dat tha entry was posted on Halloween (oh spooky!) attached ta tha email paintwithb@aol.com, which I assume be another joke email.
I’m over episode 31 now, tha imagez of what tha fuck I saw will stick wit me fo' a while but I wanna do one last hurrah. I'ma git tha fuck into contact wit Mitchell Wilson again n' again n' again n' hopefully git set up wit tha tapes up in possession of tha other Peel Popo branches. I’ll try ta update you muthafuckas as soon as I can (I’m shizzle dis won’t take a year again). Nuff props ta all dem fools dat still readz this.
-  Elliot
;[Update] - 06/21/15
Yo muthafuckas, once again n' again n' again I’m sorry fo' takin so long ta update. I’ve been fortunate enough ta find a gangbangin' fulltime summer thang dat pays pretty well so I’ve been gettin busy like a biiiatch lately. But I managed ta find tha time ta pursue Mitchell Wilson up in allowin me ta view mo' tapes yo. Dude managed ta git me tha fuck into tha Hurontario street branch ta view some evidence found all up in tha sinista Mista Muthafuckin Bear’s house. Wilson never juiced it up clear how tha fuck nuff tapes Hurontario had but they only flossed mah crazy ass one of dem wild-ass muthafuckas. Da tape I was shown contained two episodes.
Paint wit tha Soul - Episode 2, "How tha fuck ta Find Berries": Paint wit tha Soul never stood up ta me cuz I never saw it on TV mah dirty ass n' tha actual episodes didn’t cook up a shitload of sense. Da episode started wit tha usual shitty quality, cuttin right ta a ally way. Da camera playa made his way all up in tha ally, tha derelict buildings on one side, a rustin metal fence on tha other n' shit. “H-hey painting-heads, todizzle I’m goin ta show how tha fuck ta find some fresh wild berries!” I recognized dat voice as tha one from other episodes. Like episode 3, tha man’s voice was fairly bobbin n' sounded somewhat anxious. Da playa strutted over ta a mattress turned against a funky-ass building. “H-here our crazy asses have t-the doggy den where tha squirrels hide thangs.” Da playa pulled up a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dirty-ass bobbin hand, dat shiznit was covered up in what tha fuck looked like blood. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! With tha shitty qualitizzle of tha film, tha liquid looked alarmingly bright. Da hand grabbed tha mattress n' pushed it onto tha ground, revealin a plastic container behind dat shit.
Da camera zoomed tha fuck into tha container, revealin it ta be full of lil' small-ass red berries. Put ya muthafuckin choppers up if ya feel dis! “A-and here our crazy asses have berries!” Da playa placed tha camera on tha ground so dat dat shiznit was level wit tha berries, tha pimpin' muthafucka took a lil' small-ass handful n' presumably ate dem wild-ass muthafuckas. “Mmm, tastes good!” tha playa exclaimed. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Suddenly a scream erupted from somewhere up in tha distance, causin tha playa ta hastily pick of tha camera n' begin ta sprint. Da episode cut up shortly after.
Booby - Episode 39, “Piñata Party”: I was alerted dat dis episode contained disturbin content fo' realz. Afta dat last episode of Mista Muthafuckin Bear’s cellar I believed dat there isn’t anythang I could handle. I hadn’t peeped a Booby episode up in a while so I was curiouz of what tha fuck would be involved up in dis one. I now wish I hadn’t. Da episode started off fairly normally. Booby n' his unnamed companion was poppin' off bout how tha fuck they was plannin a jam fo' they playas. Booby suggested dat they bust a Piñata as a jam game, his wild lil' playa agreed n' tha hand playin tha characta fuckin started bustin odd finger
Da episode suddenly cut ta a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dimly lit room, it rocked up ta be a empty pantry. What hit me instantly was dat there was a playa bound ta a cold-ass lil chair up in tha middle of tha room, his body appearin gameless n' slumped over ta one side. When another playa strutted up from behind tha camera, tha playa up in tha chair fuckin started ta struggle n' muffled screams could be heard. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Da other playa was bustin dark threadz wit a hood ta obscure his wild lil' face. Da other playa then produced a metal basebizzle bat n' held it over tha man’s head. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Dude took a swin n' landed a hard blow. Da sound was dull but deep enough dat I knew dat schmoooove muthafucka had been hit hard. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Da other playa mostly obscured tha view but tha playa up in tha chair was now gameless n' slumpin forward. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Da other playa continued ta swin n' hit, eventually producin blood dat fuckin started ta paint tha white ceilin n' wooden walls. I’m glad dat tha other playa remained n' obscured tha view, I would not have wanted ta peep tha result of tha basebizzle bat ta human head. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! The
episode ended shortly afta n' shit.
That episode was definitely on tha disturbin side, I axed tha fools if tha playa on tha chair has been identified n' they holla'd dat dat shiznit was apparently tha daddy of one of tha lil pimps kidnapped by “Mista Muthafuckin Bear”, I guess da thug went ta Mista Muthafuckin Bear’s doggy den ta rescue his fuckin lil hustla or daughter n' shit. I didn’t ask fo' a name but I’m wonderin if I should have. I also realize dat dis episode was close ta tha inhyped “Playin wit Scissors” episode. If tha other lata episode of Booby is like dis I don’t be thinkin I wanna peep no mo'.
I’m not shizzle how tha fuck much longer I’m goin ta view tha five-o vizzles. I straight-up feel like I’m gettin nowhere n' when I try askin fo' help all I git is joke emails bout playas frontin ta be Mista Muthafuckin Bear. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. That one email paintwithb@aol.com a obvious fake email bout how tha fuck “he/it” loves me n' when I replied spittin some lyrics ta his ass ta git tha fuck outta mah grill wit dat bullshit, he just replied wit “INRI”. This shiznit straight-up has ta stop. But I digress, I'ma continue ta seek up shiznit. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Nuff props all fo' continuin ta read dis madness.
- Elliot