
There was once a time when I was normal. I was a boy and I forgot my name because of this terrible program I installed onto my computer.
I was at this garage sale, where this old guy was selling video games and pornos and video game pornos, oh and exe files as well because he was. I decided to buy one of the dvds with the exe on it. There was a name on it, scribbled with marker. It said "666.aviexe" and I was curious, so I bought it because it told me to. The old guy said I could have it for free, but I would have to throw it into a dumpster and look of sadness ate his face.
I went home and put the dvd into my computer. It was a game when you played as Mario, but he was wearing nothing but black and there was a "666" on his hat instead of the "M" and I was scared. The first level was when Mario had a gun and he was shooting people. Oh and it was hyper-realistic too, so I was scared into a boner (but it was a bad one). And worst of all, I wasn't controlling him, he was moving all alone and by himself. He went up to Bowser's Castle and shot Bowser in the face and hyper-realistic blood exploded out of my screen and into my face.
Sonic from Sonic.exe came in and he and Mario were starting to have buttsex. I was hyper-scared and turned off my computer. But my computer wouldn't turn off, so I had to smash the hard drive with a big mallet and I burned my house down to make sure it would stop.
I went to the old man's house and told him what happened and he told me "You've awoken the demons. They will kill us all!" He took out a gun and shot himself in the head and then again to make sure he died. The blood was normal-realistic and not hyper-realistic like in the games luckily.
I returned to my house, which was somehow not burned anymore, and I went to my room to sleep. I had a scary dream that a bloody Bulbasaur with no eyes buttsexed me intensely and a Mudkip devoured my face. I woke up scaredily and in tears. I smashed my head into the wall and I cried some more.
Suddenly, my computer--which also came back somehow--turned on by itself and 666Mario came out of the monitor. He pulled me to him and he said these final words, before he murdered me brutally and bloodily.