Benke Gusto was sitting on his bed one day, looking very forlorn. His life had just begun and for a second he was thinking about
regretting that cigarette 4 years ago. Now, 12 years old, he felt a sligt wave of euphoria as he rose up from his sitting position, ready
to embark on a new quest, a new day at school. His older brother Osgav was outside, his hair glistening in the wind, looking rather
conscious of his surroundings. As they trotted to the bus depot Benke got a small, insignificant fly in his right eyeball. As his eyelids
took cover of his eyes Osgav stomped happily away to buy weed from Marcylino. Marcylino was a retired veteran so he owned a lot of smokable
goods. Benke got on the bus but Osgav was too busy getting high of his arse so he missed his ride to school.
In school, Benke recieved a small but tacit gesture from the social science teacher, as if to suggest that he needed to stay after class. So he did.
The teacher asked Benke for ecstasy but Benke had none of the sort in his coherent leather jacket. Therefore, the teacher got angry to the point that
he was mad and threw Benke onto the concrete wall. As Benke got up he threw a chair in the teachers facial area and knocked him unconscious.
Benke found the sweet, arousing sensation of fucking people up through the means of pain was rather nice.
After the day, Benke found out that Osgav had been stabbed in the face and beaten with a brick until his brain was visible. Now Osgav had gotten
enemies on the first day of school and he knew it was bound to happen again. When the lights went out Benke saw his chance to avenge his dear
brother. He grabbed a knife he made in math class a year prior and stabbed the bully seventy-three times, all over. Blood, was, all, over the, floor.
And to this day the bully sits in a weelchair, driven by voice commands.
Benke felt an astonishing feeling when he brawled with the bully. He was aroused to the point that he was happy. He attended the bullys funeral to share
 his amazing thoughts on the matter and the crowd agreed. Even though the bullys grave was hyper-realistic it just seems gray to Benka now.
Three days later Osgav and Benke smoked weed in Science class, thinking about lifes meanings. Why is who? When are how? What is are? Questions that wouldn't
 be answered that day because the bully's friend-bullies were plotting to revenge. They brought a sludge hammer and a samurai. This. This is the ultimate
 showdown. Of ultimate destiny. They smashed Osgavs kneecaps and the samurai slashed his torso twohundred-and-sventy-five times within 6,2 seconds.
Benke took a chainsaw and split the two bullys in two parts each. The samurai threw the sledge hammer in Benkes face and pierced his chest with a
katana. He then proceeded to cut of Benkes arm and threw shurinkens in his eyes. He turned Benke into a blood fountain but Osgav ran up to the samurai and
 snapped his leg. Benke picked up a machine gun and sprayed the samurai with lead. The feel good inc came back and Benke lost his mind
and he's now a mental, psychotic, sadistic, masochistic, sociopathic, demented, evil pastard. The samurai was just blood, gore and tissue now. Osgav was about to thank Benke but then...
Osgav hanging upside-down from a tree. Earlier Benke had sprayed him with lead and beaten him in the head with a sledge hammer. Then he burned
 Osgavs body to a crisp. Osgav awkwardly got up to his feet, brushing dust of off his blood-red legs. Benke smashed his head with a concrete thing
 until it was mush. 
Now Benke Gusto is a serial killer who personally killed 100+ people in one fight like in Kill Bill. Be spooked, he'll come for ya.