
I was looking through my hard drive on my computer so i could mod some of my games. THAT WAS A MISTAKE. As soon I opened the folder for Skyrim, I saw a file called BOO.exe. I was scared. I then opened the file, and I was greeted with HYPER-REALISTIC BLOOD oozing out of the speakers!! Then, A skeloten bleeding HYPEWR-REALISTIC BLOOD popped out of the screen and said: "YOU SHOULD'NT HAVE DONE THAT!!!!!" He charged at me and when it did, he dissa peard! Then I looked at my hands and noticed i had THE TAILS DOLL IN MY HANNDS!!!!! BLEEEAAAAAHHH!!!! Then "Can You Feel The Sunshine?" Started Blaring through the speakers!!! Then I woke up and went to play Skyrim. But... I kept seeing the Tails Doll walk behind bulidings... When I went there it was gone. THE END.