A short narrative by Brian Wong


Hi, my name is Brian Wong, and I've recently recovered from a horrible accident consisting of computer programming, getting an A- on my report card, and my mom beating me to a pulp with chopsticks. Shit went down a couple years ago when I was coding a batch program. I finished coding and touched up some errors. I loaded up the program and I noticed something quite peculiar. A message that said "BRIAN IS DEAD". Unassured about this, I opened up Notepad++ and checked the code. The encrypted message wasn't present in my code, which made me even more unassured. My mom then walked in and showed me my report card.
*Honors Calculus - A+
*Honors Cantonese Language Arts - A+
*Honors Mandarin Chinese Language Arts - A+
*Honors Vietnamese Language Arts - A+
*Honors Intro to Life Science - A+
*Honors Algebra - A+
*Honors Asian History - A+

''Honors English Language Arts - A-''

My mom got shit pissed and she beat the fuck out of me with a pair of chopsticks, and shoved it up my ass. I had fecal matter smeared all over my butt cheeks and my face, and my mom fed me cat shit for dinner every night for one month. One day had passed, and I was sitting my ass on a toilet, taking a massive shit. My parents were leaving for the night to buy more bags of rice and ramen noodles, leaving me with my grandma. Given that my parents weren't home, I snuck onto my PC. I powered it on and waited patiently for the login screen to pop up. I typed in my password, and all of my personal belongings had been wiped. My desktop looked like the default Windows 7 desktop setup. I was fucking pissed, almost as pissed as my mom when she saw my A-. I grabbed my mouse and planned on opening up a browser. Upon executing Internet Explorer, I noticed a batch program positioned right below the Recycle Bin icon. It was my batch program that I made. Still paranoid about it, I decided to wait another day or two to open it up.


A week or two passed by already, and my parents haven't returned yet. I'm assumed that they went on a trip to Cambodia without me, but I really don't give two shits. I booted up my PC. It was about 12 AM, midnight, and I finally got the courage to open that file. I still sorta pussied out though. I just opened up the file in Notepad++. The message was present in my code surprisingly. I didn't think it would happen but okay.
@echo off
color 4
Timeout 1 >nul
Timeout 1 >nul
goto loop
I was just a simple repeating message, which didn't seem like a harmful virus or anything. The question is, who the fuck implemented this piece of code into my program? I decided to give it a go. I opened the program, and shit-scary things started to happen. A game opened up, it was called Death of the Fu. It featured a boy in China named Brian. He fought his way to the Royal Yellow Idiot Palace of China, where he learned the ins and outs of Kung Fu. He soon became China's own Brian Fu. One day, the darkness came to eat him, and hyper realistic blood spewed out of the the screen and jizz on my neck. I was truly horrified by whoever committed their time into making a horrific piece. Soon, the spookiness was coming after me. I abandoned my house and picked up a copy of Half-Life 3. I brought my laptop with me as well, just in case.

Anticlimactic Ending

I was camping out in the woods, it had been a couple of months since I abandoned my house. My grandma was riding on my back. I heard a gust of wind blowing the trees. It was here. The dark spooky skellington penetrated my asshole with full force, rupturing my spinal chord and paralyzing me from the neck down. I don't fucking know how I survived because this is a creepypasta and nothing fucking works like a normal human being in a fucking creepypasta. Fuck you, and fuck creepypastas.