
one day, i went to this website called "" and what i found was very disturbing.
it was a blank page with a link in the middle, the link took me to a download of a file called "banana.exe" i ran the file, when it started up, all i heard was very loud screaming, with satanic chants such as "I LOVE U SATAN" and "EVIL PATRIXXX HAS CUM TO EAT U!!!!1!!!ONE" as a hyper-realistic and terrifying picture slowly appeared, i tried so hard to close the window, i tried to end the process through task manager, i tried to shut off the computer too, but it wouldn't shut off! just as the full picture finally came up, my computer exploded violently as a hyper-realistic fire emerged from it, i ran out of my house, leaving it in hyper-realistic flames.
then a skeleton popped out.