
One day I went to ebay and bought a flash drive from a creepy old man. Did i mention this man was also slenderman, smile.jpg, and jeff the killer in one guy. I opened the flash drive, and there was files in it. OHHHH 2sp00ky. There was an avi file in it. It was eavil, because it was 666 kb and it smelled weird, like my grandpa's cousin, who was sent to jail because he held up a gas station, he stabbed five people, with a spoon, and drank the gasoline, and died, but they put his dead body in prison to make sure his demonic soul couldn't escape. It also kinda smelled like piss, like the dashcon ball pit. When I opened the file, what I saw haunted me like a wrecking ball. It was an audio file actually, what a twist. It was the sound of farting. At the sound of that farting, I died. They put my dead body in prison. I have become reanimated by the farts. To warn you guys. Whenever you hear the sound of farts, run. Move somewhere lives, like Tijuana. K, thanks for watching, see you guys next time.