So I was eating something in trash, and saw a box, yet some rotten pizza pieces were on it. I eated the pizza, because this wont happen to you everyday, and then picked up the box. I carried the box to my house, and opened it. In the box was a game. It didn't have anything on it, but there was a text written, on some piece of paper. On it was written 'fcdr gfvl poo k gzun bin lol kro ma.' (I don't care, who you are, or what you are, but don't put this shit into your computer.— In a language, you'll never understand) so, I put it into my computer. Something started to download. It was called
I knew Banjo-Kazooie games were for Nintendo, yet Rareware - now Rare was buyed by Microsoft, and forced to do shitty game called Banjo Kazooie - Nuts and Bolts. But then, before I could even play the game, a skeleton popped out of my head, and I died.
By TheLaserVulture