
Hello, my name is Jeff and today I'm gonna tell you guys about the scariest thing about my life:-
2 years ago  September when I was coming back home from basketball practice on my doorstep there was a gift box with a wrapper written: "From your best friend Tommy ".I was confused as I had no best friend name Tommy my folks were out of town so my brother was. I opened the door taking the DVD and after changing basketball costumes I went to living room and opened the gift box. Inside the gift box, there was a DVD box written "Batman1988.exe ".I opened the DVD box and got one cd inside it I put it inside my DVD player.
The first thing came onto the screen was a recreated intro of superfriends cartoon but the sounds were distorted so does the voice makes it more.After this, the episode begins titled "Laughing Joke".The quality of the video was like it was made in the early 60s. The animation was a failed recreation of superfriends cartoon and the odd thing was all characters eyes were full red or black.The opening scene started where Batman was being captured and the joker was laughing but the laugh was like a creepy one.One point joker kicked on Batman's face and the screaming man ! it was like a real person screaming then after some minute batman screams and gets up and kills joker badly smashing his head by a rock.Then the screen went into black and next scene Batman was being vomited badly and he screamed again like a real person which made me chill in the spine and suddenly h pulled his gun and committed suicide again the gunfire sound like the real. Suddenly a warning came to the screen "Go back motherfucker close it " but thinking it as a prank decided to see more of it. Next scene batman suddenly wakes up turns into a jokerized batman  he said "Now it is your turn " to screen feels like he was saying this to me when I saw Batman in the batcave vandalizing everything their bat mite and Batgirl tries to stop him but Batman shoots them both saying "Na nana batjoker " Robin jumps to beat Batman but Batman shoots him also but Robin turns into a creepy real looking monster which made me scream like a child . Batman then blew that robin monster by a gun which explode into pieces and batman taste one piece of it and murmured "Yummy".Next scene  Batman drinks 1 bottle of a joker serum and he turned into a  creepy joker monster it was so so creepy that I pissed on my pant meanwhile in the jla headquarter every superhero was laughing and taking except superman suddenly batman threw bat pumpkin bombs and everyone died.Batman laughed madly until suddenly superman comes from behind and punches him badly while screaming like an ape.He started to say something but it can't be heard because of the creepy piano background song.I tried to close the tv but it wasn't closing I switched off the tv tried to take off the plug but anything was not working .So.I had to watch it, Batman, then grabs supermans hand and punched him a couple of times and cuts his head and then Superman turned to an alien and his body vanish batman then took the head of Superman and smashed it with a bat and from the head a light comes and makes the whole building destroyed.
In the end, Batman saw the lifeless body of superheroes and laughed like a mad then he started to sing a song in a creepy rough voice name "I'm not alone " the piano background music was more creepy.After the song, he runs to the screen madly and cuts his throat and the blood splits onto the screen and creepy words by blood flashes on screen name "I'm not dead I'm coming "and the video closed.I took the video from the player and burned it along with the DVD cover and the gift box it was cursed video. Later I found that it was made by a guy name tom mcnuffez during mid80s he was a creepy guy and he had a habit to put violence in the cartoons.He made few cartoons for the Superfriends series but he got fired after the members saw his videos.
Since after 2 years a few days ago when I was coming back home from basketball practice I saw there is the creepy batman toy in my room with a comic name "The jokerzied Batman #0 " and a short note written "A small present from Tommy "