Note: I Made this like 5 seconds after I posted the entire Bee Movie script because I love Barry B. Benson he is my long lost lover.

Let Us Get This Over With

One day, I was going to my nearby redbox to pick up a movie. I did not know which one to choose, untill I saw a movie that nearly made me cry. It was Bee Movie. I got it immediately, but while the machine processed my order, it made all kinds of crazy whirring noises as the screen on it spazzed out. My beloved disc popped out of the machine, toaster noises and all.
I arrived at my shed with the disk in my hand. I put it into my Sega CDI and turned on my 98p television. Something wierd about the disk was that Barry B. Benson had wierd hyperrealistic eyes but I thought nothing of it. The tv wenyt on and the Bee Movie began withits infamous introduction: According to all known laws of aviation, a bee shouldnt be able to die-" wait, that wasnt right. I recited the entire script word for word and it never said that. I thought it was just a glitch and
continued masturbating. Barry was choosing his wardrobe when he said "Oh! Red and Red lets shake it up a little" He then put on a hyper-reelistic red shirt and put it on. I was completely scarififed. He then fell down the steps when his mom yelled "Dont die on the steps, your dad killed many people for those" I was confused why my disk had so many glitches, so I just assumed there were smudges on it. I took out the disk and threw it in my dishwasher.

20 Minutes Later

I pulled my disk out and put it back in. It showed nothing but a hyper-realistic picture of Barry. B Benson. I was scared so much I shat out warm diarhea and it poured everywhere. The diahrehea flew out of my butt with so much pressure I flew to the Philipines. When I landed I saw the worst thing, it was Barry B. Benson! But he had RED EYES!
And then a skeleton popped out