
I'm a huge Ben the Looney fan, much like everyone else. I've never watched glitchy or hacked videos before, though I never want to watch any. I was on YouTube, and I saw in my peripheral vision, that Ben The Looney had uploaded a video, as usual and left. I went to see what it was, and I realized that he made a rant on Gravity Falls, and I was like, "AWESOME!!!" cause I'm a big Gravity Falls fan and if anyone were to criticize it, I would break their bones.
it started out normal, UNTIL...
For a split second Ben had this creepy smile on his face, like the beginning of RebelTaxi's video called, "I hate 90s kids". I figured it was a glitch and continued watching. His eyes were red like blood.
Ben said, "Hello. And welcome back to Ben Kills. And when I was a kid, I used to have a penis. But the doctor had it surgically removed. He payed the price though... in BLOOD."
I was scared, I tried changing videos but the mouse was broken. There was nothing I could do, so I continued watching.
The animation was unusually sloppier than normal. Like an amateur animation on Newgrounds or DeviantArt. It still didn't bother me.
"Tonight, I shall be killing John. That bitch owes me money. Lets go."
Everything turned live action, and it was actually Ben The Looney in a black hoodie! He had black eyes with red dots! He had a machete! He walked over to John's house and killed him until he was dead! It was so real! This wasn't acting, it was real! The blood was hyper-realistic, as if you could actually feel the fur.
The art changed, the colors inverted and Ben turned into this:
"Thanks for the money, bitch!" Ben said as he took the money.
I was crying salty hyper-realistic tears. I called 911, the SWAT team, and the armed forces but they never came.
The next day, I messaged Ben about the episode I watched, and this is what he had to say:
I was confused.
"I MADE THAT IN 2001! I made it with a couple friends as a joke and posted it to YouTube that very night. We aren't really that sick. A lot of people hated it, so I buried it, never to be seen again. Tell anyone about this and I swear to God, I'll make a rant video about you."
I spoke with John about the video, and he thought I was crazy. I'm never watching Ben's videos again. Ever.
(Written by BelaireIsland.... not that you should care)