
I was fapping to my own original blorno of Blonic when my shady ass old neighbor started throwing his bootleg games at my window. I found a game called Sonic.exe, but I only play games that are original, so I hacked the game and called it Blonic.bleEbleXbleE and put it on a video cassette which somehow magically played in my computer's disk drive. It started out as a normal game, so I was dissatisfied because it wasn't original, so I ripped it out of my computer's disk drive and shoved it up my own original blasshole.
After rubbing my shit all over it (and taking a quick smell and taste test while I was at it), I shoved it in my computer's disk drive. My own original operating system, Windows, loaded up and I ran the game. I was amazed by how (un)original it was.
I was met with three guys, Blails, Bluckles, and Dr. Bleggman. Blails scooted on his ass the hole time before getting raped by Blonic. It was a major BBM moment right there. Then Bluckles was next, but who gives a shit about him? He, after all, wasn't an original character. Then came (giggity) Dr. Bleggman who was just retarded and was eaten by Blonic. After that, Blonic made his own original restaurant and turned Dr. Bleggman into a blamburger.
I shat three bricks at the same time. It was so originally scary and now I will make an all original creepy pasta about it. I now work as an inturd at Nickelesbian Studios making original lost episodes about Squishworm committing suicide.