
You know, I used to like SpongeBob SquarePants, but not anymore.
I was an intern at SpongeBob Town which is where they make SpongeBob episodes. It wasn't paid of course, most internships aren't, but it made me DIEEE!
Anyway, one day the editors and animators said that they had a new episode that they wanted us to see. Before it was aired! AWERRSEOME!
The episode began with a title card saying "Squidward's Genocide" followed by a picture of a dead kid. We all threw up, and then looked back at the screen to see another dead kid. Then another. Then another! The pictures were getting bloodier and gorier, like, hyper realistic blood.
Then a skeleton popped out of my anus and went back again. The next scene showed Squidward holding a gun, aiming it at his head, and pulling the trigger, but not before he said one thing.
"Check your computer for Blood.wmv" Squidward said, shortly before shooting himself. Aah! The blood was really hyper-realistic when he died, and blood and brains flew from his brains and the gun was... eehehee??!??
Then we went home feeling really weird. I checked my computer, and found that there was a new file called "Blood.wmv". Oh no, this was strange. How did Squidwarxxx get on my computer? I opened the file and it was a video clip. I watched it.
Squidward was looking at you hyper-realisticly with hyper-realistic eyes and then a skeleton popped out of the screen and killed me and I'm writing this from the grave.