
My favorite fruit of all time is watermelon. I'll eat that shit every single day. But then, of course, there was such a random occurrence that made me stop eating watermelons...
It all started on a day, like today, but it was TUESDAY! I was bored, so I decided to deep-web some shit. As I was Deep-web surfing. I was passing the time watching my favorite gif, "watermelon.pdf" I get a call from my mother on my cellular phone. ''Johnny,'' she hissed. ''I know what you're doing. Please do not look up "Bloodywatermelon.pdf" or else you will realize some spooky stuff.''
So, being the dimwit that I am, I decided to Deep-web "Bloodywatermelon.pdf". It was a file - which caused my computer to have many viruses. I had to clear out my cache, and every single part of porn that I had to my history (goodbye porn [D':]). But, it seemed only one file was saved. It looked really, really, spooky. But I clicked on it anyways.
The file was basically what watermelon.pdf was; a watermelon, so good and juicy, being devoured by a person. But, then, out of nowhere, the watermelon started bleeding! It wasn't no Watermelon juice, either, it was blood! Hyper-realistic blood! I was like, "HOLY SHIT! THAT'S TOO SPOOKY!!!" I decided to keep watching, because curiosity got the best of me.
Then, this was where it started being all different than watermelon.pdf; there was a man who decided to mash a pumpkin into bits. But there was no juice? The man disappeared into thin air! I looked all over, to find that a watermelon appeared in front of the screen. He was wearing the same clothing as the guy! Could... could he have turned into a watermelon? I have no clue!?!?
Then, the camera fades to black. Then a tank appears. It looked like a tank that could be filled with sharks... but it wasn't. It was filled with A WATERMELON SHARK!
I was petrified at the video. I couldn't bare to see more of the horrible, gruesome, sites that the file had to offer. But, I was curious. So I had to keep on, because my mother told me to do so.
It seemed to be the end of the video, where a baby popped out of a watermelon. I can't show you the file, because it was too gruesome. A watermelon gave birth to a baby. A baby!! Whoever made this was just downright sick to their knees.
Then, I turned around, and there was a bloodied watermelon, with hyper-realistic blood.
Then I realized...
But wait... if I was able to contact her...
{{Fatal Disease}}
''Idea and title brought by ''
''Idea and encouragement by the CP chat''