
3.25 years ago to this moment, I was casually walking down the street, when
suddenly I stepped up on something with my foot.  Now at this Point I looked down to see what
I'd stepped on with my foot and I noticed that it was a copy of my favorite
game super Mario 64, as I tilted my head to look down upon the game I noticed
the back of my large, round head became slightly moist. As I rotated my head
180 degrees my eyeballs were assaulted with the pitter patter of rain from a
small cloud that could be seen just over the game.
weird, I thought to myself, my game didn't come with its own personal rain
cloud exclusively only from the spooky version of Game Stop, again I just
assumed it was some sort of preorder bonus, what a find!
I bent
over, and picked up the game with my abnormally large hands.  As I stood up, I heard a whisper in my ear
that said something along the lines of if your hand is bigger than you'll face
you have cancerrr-rrr-rr-r.  Naturally I
needed to conduct a scientific study into whether or not I had cancer, placing
my hand near my face to compare the sizes. A strong, cold burst of wind crammed
in my hand into my face, bloodying my nose in the process.
As the
blood jetted from my nose,  I lazily
rushed home, blood spewing constantly and only onto the game, almost as if the
game was a thirsty boi.
As soon as
I got home I slammed the door shut and jumped all the way up the stairs to the
second story, clearing my 30 purebred Beagels in the process, who had no doubt
come to say hello.
front-flipped into my room shutting the door and flinging my shoes perfectly at
the foot of my bed.  I then gently placed
the cold, heavy cartridge into my Nintendo 64. I heard a strange sound is as I
slowly slid the cartridge into the tight slot.
to think of it, that kind of sounded like gunshots" I said erotically. Not
long after as I was just about to turn on the power switch to my classic black
style Nintendo 64 my mother violently kicked in the door, freeing the door from
its hinges and bouncing it about my room like a plastic toy.  Eventually the door hit one of my nearby
burger king exclusive golden trading cards, finally coming to a halt. 
As my
mother burst she calmly said "Hi honey, today we are shooting a few
movies" it was at this point that I noticed she was carrying a DVD case,
perfectly perforated with plenty of puncture points.
Finally my
mother left and I was able to play my brand new favorite game!  When I first turn on the game everything
started normally, I looked at the cartridge and thought I had noticed the blood
was actually disappearing from the cartridge, I shrugged this off as a
consequence of the rain cloud constantly being overhead.
I played
for hours and eventually stumbled upon the first bunny in the basement, now
normally this bunny should be a soft rectangular yellow… but this time he was a
deep red almost like bb----adly munched cherries but also darker.
I quickly
captured the bunny rabbit curious to see if he had anything new to say, alas he
just said the same thing he always says and he gave me a blue power star but
this time my star count did ant increase by one instead, it decreased by one.  This is scared me to the point where I didn't
want to play more, I quickly remove the cartridge from the slot with two
fingers and threw the cartridge against my newly placed door but instead of
bouncing off of the door like I had anticipated it shot through the door into
the floor into the first story of our house. 
I went to the first floor 
navigating the sea of adorable Beagles. 
Before I knew it I was up to my erect nipples in Beagles, eventually I
came to the spot where the game should have landed instead all I found was a
large hole Beagles pouring in.
I decided
to follow the hole down and see what was inside. As I jumped I felt instant
regret for what I had just done. I fell for what seemed like seconds luckily I
had my many Bagels to keep me company.
I found the bottom of a whole Beagles scattered about yapping happily and
playing with one another I realize that that I was surrounded by large-ish
domed rectangles that kind of looked like tombs!
I decided
to move as I was getting rained on by Beagles and that's no good!
I searched
around for the game but couldn't find anything I opened the crypts hoping that
the game had somehow fallen into one of these closed crypts, alas I was
unsuccessful in finding the game. After what seemed like a minute I gave up my
search and decided to head back up the hole, the hole was too far to jump up so
I decided to fashion a ladder out of Beagles, they happily obliged and I
climbed out of the now beagles filled hole. 
I slowly made my way back to my room kind of bummed out that I have lost
my super special rain edition of Super Mario of 64 available only a game stop,
as my large muscular legs carried me up the stairs, I turned and entered my
room only to find that the game was back in my Nintendo 64 covered in bones and
Now at
this Point I was genuinely spooked!  But
I figured that the game would just come back if I didn't play it all the way
With a
heavy heart I slid the power slider on the front of the N64 once more to the ON
position. A white flicker appeared on the screen for 0.32 seconds then was
gone, after another two seconds the game started up I was greeted by Mario
saying press start to play, but upon thinking about it again he didn't say
press start to play, he said press start to die, it was too late my finger was
already traveling quickly towards the start button and but a moment later I had
pressed the start button. It was at this point that my Pinkie on my right hand
began to ache painfully I figured this was just because I played too many video
games and continued on.
The game
played normally and I played all the way to Big Boos Haunt in one night and
then I was too tired to continue. I snuggled into my slippery bed and began to
sleep, only to be awakened by the aching in my pinky becoming too much to
handle. I was already awake so I continued my quest to beat the evil game of
Super Mario 64 rain edition!
I played
about four stars in Big Boos Haunt when I suddenly had a spooky feeling coming
from right behind me, I slammed my head 180 degrees and was so spooked I nearly
spilled my Sunny D all over the room!
What I
saw… was a Boo but in real life and spooky!
When I
looked upon his nearly transparent face he would cover his eyes. I remembered
what to do here, what with Super Mario 64 being my favorite game and all. I
thought to myself  "I will look away
and wait for the Boo to approach before doing a backflip rubbing my knees along
the ceiling and finishing off the foolish apparition with a Ground pound!"
execution however, this did not happen, I turned and began the backflip,
however as my knees touched the ceiling, I fell on my neck and snapped my neck
off. I uttered a large OOF and shrank to just over half of my current size.
I knew I
was no match for this spirit in my current state so I grabbed the game and
slowly snuck past the Boo while his face was covered.
descended upon a sea of Beagles swimming through the pleasant fluff of mans
best friend to my front door, I opened the door, Beagles spilling onto the
porch before darting in every which direction, and quickly thought of a plan! I
would visit my best friend Tom to see what he did when he was being haunted by
a Sonic plushie or something. It was late so I kicked in the door only to see
my best friend Tom locked in epic combat with the Sonic plushie once again! I
eagerly tapped Tom on the shoulder and asked what to do about my situation,
this distracted Tom and it was then that the plushie made its final move
decapitating my best friend Tom. I stood back in HORROR at what had just
happened realizing that I MAY have had something to do with his death. Eventually,
the Sonic Plushie faded to black and floated out of the house, I decided to
search around to find a way to cure myself before my super spooky problems got
to me like they got to my cute best friend Tom.
I entered
his room and there it sat… the legendary Sunny D beverage that killed his
console in that overdone creepypasta. I grasped the Sunny D into my bosom and
darted toward my house I thrust the cold refreshing beverage toward the Boos
face and it accepted the drink, we are friends now, and EVERYTHING is back to
The End