Hello. Scroll down to see boobs.
You probably thought you would see boobs, or read about boobs on this page. Well, you thought wrong. You've encountered a troll pasta where the title and first technical paragraph is literally lying to you, and trolling you to the hardest extent, because of your fascination with women's upper body parts, you freakin' perv.
Why? Because fuck you, that's why. Because I enjoy watching you writhe in agonizing rage over the fact that you were hoping to see a huge pair of breasts covering your computer screen. Because I enjoy seeing you hope to get a new pair to add to your "boobs" folder, only to come up disappointed that it didn't happen because I am a bitch. Whilst you are doing this, I am drinking my medium Dr. Pepper and eating a Filet O' Fish that has extremely flexible bread, for some reason, and I am laughing my ass off.
I am laughing even harder if you are another girl, because it's just somehow more hilarious than when men do it. And I am laughing harder at the fact that the first part of the page was probably given away on the Wiki Activity and you still expected a pair of boobs.
Come on, get even more asshurt about it. You are simply feeding my ever growing lust for misery, watching you inflate and turn red while I sit here and laugh my fucking ass off. Besides, I couldn't post boobs if I wanted to. Ever read Wikia's ToU?
You probably already had your dick out, ready to whack, you fucking pervert. And I have turned you off. So you are screaming about in your room over this, with your fapper flapping about all over the place. I am imagining this in my mind and it's fucking hilarious.
And you see the PATRIXXX on the sides of the page? In the background? They're looking at it, thinking "I want some of dat shit." They'd probably suck on it, maybe even bite and tear it off. Not like you're using it for anything,