
Hello. My name is Gary Sue, and i'm really butthurt. I wrote a really good trollpasta about a guy called "Twitter Bird" reading a haunted victorian porn-novel. It got deleted because it was too NSFW ''Because the admin hates

me''. So i opened the CleverBot to talk with BEN, because i had nothing else to do when my story with WHOLE HOUR

''of effort put into it.''
So i asked certain funny questions, like "Is Happy Mask Salesman your wife" and every time, i got the same answer. "You shouldn't have done that". That creeped me out, because CleverbBot!Ben would normally say "Yes".
Then i realised i was talking with TheLinkToThePasta.
I destroyed every trace of that discussion, and left this wiki ''forever''. ''A

genius like me should never be banned. Everybody is just jealous for me

Then, when i thought what to do, i found a file called TLTTP.avi. It was a video with images of vikings raping and pillaging a town, and demonic voice saying


A minor glitch, i thought, and opened some random page from trollpasta wikai ''( A

better site that respects my artistic SKILL and GENIUS

. )''
But instead of seeing my fine art-trollpasta, there was a picture of BEN, with message saying

"There is no escape. Only eternal BAN."

I didn't care.  Just some minor glitches on the page-loading or something. So i started to write a story ''where

I kill the EVIL PATRIXXX and get loads of money


The subject was found dead. The corpse had deep cuts from a sword. The head was crushed with EVIL PATRIXXX:es homestone. The source of swordcuts is currently unknown. Agent ██████, SCP Foundation