Now many of you are wondering what happened to me after the “HI,
HOW ARE YOU.EXE” incident. (No you haven’t) 
Now listen closely to what I’m about to say. One day I was bored, and I
decided to search random things.  One
such thing was COCKTAGON, and it came up with one image.  The image was, of course, a stop sign with a penis
engraved into it.   I decided to save the
image, and make it my wallpaper.
After I downloaded it, my computer started acting
strange.  Suddenly a ghost popped out of
my usb drive.  I screamed for half a
minute, while staring at the screen.  It
asked me “Hey buddy.  Do you like me?”  I screamed into the its face “HELL NO!”  Then it suddenly jumped out of my computer and
then the rain killed us all.  The ghost
started throwing me against the wall, and then it took a hentai DVD case, and shoved
it up my ass.  “OH GOD!”  I screamed. 
Then it turned into Shrek.  Then he
yelled “PIKACHU’S A VIRGIN!” To which I replied “What?”  Shrek began stripping in front of me.  He began pole dancing with a metal pipe
protruding from the ground.  Then Jason
popped out of the ground and splattered Shrek’s blood all ogre the wall.  “Aye, Lad, I admit defeat.” Then Freddy came
up from behind Jason then dismembered him. 
Then Freddy turned into John Carpenter’s The Thing.  Then they all died.  Then the real villain, Sephiroth’s mom,
popped out of the ground.  “Not you
again!”  I yelled.  Then I became Goku.  Then I screamed “KAMEHAMEHA, bitch!”  Then suddenly Jenova gave birth to Angel , who
proceeded to use Guardskill Handsonic on Jenova.  Then Jenova turned into The Thing.  Then I got a flamethrower.  Then I said “FUCK YOU, TOO!”  “John Carpenter would be proud!” I though.
Then my landlady walked in on me fighting it. 
Then she died.  Then everything
turned back to normal.