
This journal was found on 3:29 PM on August the 11th in a cave where miners were mining for ores

Journal Entry 8/14/2013

I decided to start a journal because all my friends at school said i should "totally" do it so i got a journal

Journal Entry 8/15/2013

Today before school I played a game i found on the internet called "CAN'TBREATH.exe" I guess i should play it. It's like a first person multiplayer shooter.
I just played it and now having the feeling of being watched...I have to go to school now I'll write when i have the time in school.

Journal Entry 8/17/2013

Still had the same feeling... I'm starting to see things... i don't know why but they all have grey shirts and black pants. And little spots of blood on their shirts... no one else is seeing this because if they did they would tell other people about it.

Journal Entry 4/4/2014

Found my journal again and i finally got out of school. I'm going to 8th grade now. expect more entries in the future.

Journal Entry 4/5/2014

I'm feeling like I'm being watched parents haven't come home for 2 days now...

Journal Entry 4/9/2014

Holy shit i just found my parents dead in the basement their heads are torn off and they has scratch marks on their torso

Journal Entry 4/19/2014

Started Playing CAN'TBREATH.exe again but its different this time. my save file got corrupted and when i played crashed my damn computer. I'll try and play it again on my laptop

Journal Entry 4/20/2014

It seems to work fine on my laptop save file still is corrupted. so i started a new game and the objective was "KILL ALL" Instead of the normal "Beat The Other Team". I started searching for people and found one guy I shot him and it said "MISSION COMPLETE" and then... it said "HIDE" I don't know what this meant but i continued playing...I then noticed i had a "Breath" bar. It kept going down and down every time i started walking so I had to take a ton of breaks.Then i saw it. it had no face,it had the grey shirt black pants,and of course the spots of blood. Then my "Character" suddenly died. It looked like it died the same death of my parents... I'll Write more about this sooner.

Journal Entry 4/23/2014

I'm right now hiding in my basement. I'm hearing knocks on the hatch to my basement... my dead parents are gone. I'm scared more than ever more than that one time i ran out of bacon. I don't know wha
The rest of the pages were covered in the words "I HATE THE FLESH" it is unknown what ever happened to him he is deemed dead. Here is a photo of the "Journal" ----->
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