
It all started in a dark and cold afternoon. I was browsing on iFunny to post things that are against kinks and fetishes as a meaning to start an upcoming revolutionary war. When I was about to start a rant about DDLG, I instead when using the bathroom. When I came back from the toilet, I noticed that a disturbing image showing what appeared to be shota yaoi on my profile, I was terrified and had no memory that I posted that photo, and nobody else were in that apartment. This caused a lot of drama on the app, and people accused me for being a pedophile and someone even threatened to report me to the police. Even though I tried to tell them that I didn't post the photo, nobody listened to me, and I was forcibly removed from iFunny.
A few hours later, the cops knocked on my door, and I was without warning thrown into a police car driving to prison. The cops then tied my hands to a chair and gagged me, and they took headphones on me. It was some sort of a government experiment I think. They then showed me an ASMR video of someone kissing and blowing, and I felt my entire body tingling. Not only my body was tingling, but my pussy became dangerously wet and I was unable to escape. I felt that my face was red, and I cried and screamed in agony only in a muffled tone. To make things even worse was that the ASMR video lasted in 24 hours, so that most likely meant a 12 times 2 hour of sexual torture and possibly hot temperature.