
I am a total Sanic fan, just like everyone else on the planet. One Saturday mourning (saying mourning because it was the saddest Saturday morning ever :c), I was playing Sanic.EXE because I like stuff like that, and suddenly I heard a knock on my door. 
It was my dear old pal, Kyle I. Mera! He was awfully tired. One of his arms was cut off. Hyper-realistic blood squirted out of it. He handed me a note with a disc, walked off, and got hit by a car. I read the note.
''"Dear Tom,''
''Just destroy this disc. It's evil, I tell you. I was forced to play it because my brother forced me to and my mom forced my brother to do things and also forgot other things to force and whatever. Just destroy this disc so the destructive beast in the game doesn't get anybody else, including you, Tom!''
''Just destroy it. The Ultimate Chimera already got me. Just destroy it. Right here, right now, destroy it. Don't play it or the Ultimate Chimera will get you too!''

''Love, Kyle."''

I, being an awesome friend, forgot completely about Kyle's funeral and played the game anyway. I put the disc into my Game Boy Advance (it uses cartridges but using logic isn't logical) and hyper-realistic blood was all over the screen. I saw the title, and found out it was my favorite game ever...
Spongebob Squarepants Atlantis Squarepantis for the GBA! It was such a high-quality title! When playing the game, everything went fine, until I got to play as Sandy. She moved slowly and a scared expression was on her face as the level blew up! I have no idea why it blew up, but hey, creepypasta. The level became flat, and the sky was dark. "LOOK NEXT TO YOU" the screen said in blood-red text. I looked out of my window. Giygas from EarthBound was there! I got my curtains and got Giygas out of my line of sight. "READY FOR ROUND 2, TOM?" the screen said in the same blood-red text. Sandy was torn apart by the Ultimate Chimera, which devoured her in the screen! I was shocked and felt bad for Sandy.
Suddenly, I was able to play as Sanic from ! I loved that awesome Sanic! Suddenly, Sanic was devoured by the Ultimate Chimera just like Sandy! I felt very bad for Sanic!!! I cried, and even though I could turn the GBA off, I kept playing.
Later, the game continued just like it normally would in Atlantis Squarepantis, but in the final level, I turned into... Myself! The level exploded, and it felt like I was falling! The Ultimate Chimera pointed at my screen, and I looked out of the window.
The Ultimate Chimera was actually there.
He actually ate me,
I'm dead.