
This is translation of my trollpasta, sorry for my not special good English :)
When I was a few years old, I very like playing a games in NES like Mario, Contra, Duck Hunt, but one of game was caught my interest. It's "Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers". This game are my start to interest CDRR cartoon.
Few years later I decided to come back to this game and play this. Long time I finding a rom, but I fouded. File was named „Chip&Dale.exe”. Website looks like a trusted, so I thinked it’s must gonna be pre-configured emulator with game rom. I’m been happy, because I did not have to set something.
When I runned this game nothing foretold a tragedy. Game was started normally. No blood and brain remnants, but in one moment I saw a first thing, who’s afraided me. I can’t choose Dale character. I choosed Chip, and in this moment I saw, in part of second deducted by stopwatch, very creppy screen appeared. Dale was disappear, and in emblem left only Chip. On background I saw bloody pentagram’s.
I ignored this thing and continued a game walking a Chip during the first level. One of things, which I interested there are no boxes and enemies. I can running and climbing. When I been in this level longer, melody made a slower, and stopped….and switched to this creppy theme from “Lavender Town”. I’ve been so shocked, because this theme was played in game with Disney Characters, but something interest was told me to Chip go away, althought I saw consternation on his face. The closer to the end of first level and fight with boss, his face are more in consternation. When Chip reached the place with box with cheese for Monterrey Jack, something happened who’s surprised me. Monterrey was not himself. He had a jacket splashed with blood and sinister smile. AND THE WORST!! HE’S BEEN ON THE AIR!!
He had a exposed hands, and when Chip saw him, screamed. This scream are very realistic. I’ve so surprised, because 8 bit scream can be very realistic. Game was restarted, and I saw very terrible screen. I can’t saw Dale in emblem, title “Capcom U.S.A.” was changed to “Capcom 666”. Emblem was rusted and looks like a bitten. Chip had a closed eyes and crying. I pressed Enter and I saw another level from the second part of CDRR game. I walked and not saw any enemies or boxes. Chip was so sad, and I saw tears on him eyes. In background there was no music. I wandered a blank level and I saw more sadness in chipmunk.
Suddenly I saw something very terrible. On very high platform Dale was stand. He was not himself. He had a embly eyesight and from eyes flowed a blood. Dale jumped and commit suicide. I was very shocked, because Dale decided to end life like Chester Benington, but it’s not the end. Realistic blood and brain are be around, and looks LIKE REALISTIC!!
In the same moment I hear knowned melody. It’s theme from Sonic.exe called “Hill Act 1”. I commanded to Chip walk away, but him sadness are changed to fear. When chipmunk walk away, I saw a nex terrible thing. Zipper are dead. He was killed. He had a wrenched wings and cutted head. Arteries of bug are around here.
I moved on, and after a while I saw the entrance. Screen became a blank, and I hear the Kefka laugh from “Final Fantasy”. Game was restarted but emblem became blank, and further I saw a very shocked title: LICENSED BY SONIC.EXE.
Except that title “Player 2” was dissapeared. I pressed Enter, and saw Chip, who’s stand in dark room. When I went farther, I saw more noise on screen.
Suddenly I saw Monterrey. He was killed. That blood are not ordinary blood, IT’S HYPER-REALISTIC BLOOD. Guts and parts of Kegel muscles are around here. Something caught my attention, I looked on corpse of Rescue Rangers Member and I saw the face of Joseph Stalin.
My pants are fullfilled by crap, because I was shocked when I saw guy, who’s murdered milion people of USSR in game with my favourite chipmunks.
I runned away, and screen was been completely noisy. I hear squeaking, and screen was been black. Title was appeared:
“You know what...what guys and girls do together sometimes, right?”
I been shocked, because quote from Clockwork appeared here. After a moment I saw shadows of Gadget. There must be a cutscene, because Gadget was crying in school. Somewhere called her “whore” and posted very awful things on Facebook. Obviously nowhere help her, and I’ve been very schocked because I saw vulgar verbs on this game.
After a moment memories of Gadget are ended and I saw something seriously frightened me. Chained to floor Fat Cat layed on drawed pentagram. Goat’s skull’s and 666 characters will be around here. I hear laugh like Yuno Gasai from Mirai Nikki and saw Gadget. She was not herself. She’s has got a necklace from entrails, instead one eye clock and second eye are black-red. From both eye socket’s flowed a blood.
-Do you want to play with me? - She asked and I saw next level. After the moment turned out…. I MUST FIGHT WITH GADGET!!
I use the ball. I using this on first game to destroy bosses. I must be carefull, because She was a fast and has got kill a Chip. SHE FLOATED IN THE AIR!!
When Chip had to make a decisive attack game was stopped. When game resumed, Gadget stood behind him. She snatched him arm. Realistic blood flowed around, and Chip shouts. This scream are very REALISTIC!
Game was restarted and I saw on emblem… SONIC.EXE!
Instead “Player 1” title I saw “Player 666”. I pressed Enter. I saw the cutscene, on which Fat Cat are chained to inverted cross, and I frightened, because…. GADGET WANT TO SUBMIT FAT CAT IN SACRIFICE TO SATAN!!
She drawed a transmutation circle and put the Fat Cat on inverted cross. The last shout from Chip:
-No, don’t do this!
Gadget make this. She made a transmutation, because she wants to retrieve her father, but it’s failed. She saw a Sonic.exe, who’s eat the Fat Cat.
-That’s good, better than hot wings from KFC – Demonic Sonic said, and back to him world.
-I forgot, It’s yours – Sonic.exe gave away her second eye and depart surrounded on hellfire.
Gadget saw the truth. She leaded to death Rescue Rangers and Fat Cat. She not crying when Fat Cat dead, because him body still sizzling, but death of her friends shocked. View of massacred friends in puddle of blood leaded her to depression. Cut scene was ended, and game restarted again. Sonic.exe was not there, title “Licensed by Sonic.exe” was disappeared, and instead title “Player 666” I saw “Suicide Hill”.
Gadget was cried. She showed me a direction where she should go. In background I hear the melody from “Sonic.exe Nightmare Beginning”. After the moment Gadget was working very hard. She’s prepared a graves for her friends. When Gadget drowned a graves, she found the corpse of Rebecca Black. I was been shocked, because this imitation of good music was been in this moment. When she buried her friends, and burned corpse of Rebbeca Black, Gadget was decided to commit suicide. When she prepared to this, Mr Zbigniew Stonoga appeared.
-It was not worth it, dammit – he said to Gadget
-Know, I know about this – she answered.
She want’s to hang on, but the rope broke. Gadget was run away. I saw the spikes, like from “Sonic.exe Nightmare Beginning”. She hesistaded, but after the moment she stumbled on very realistic banana peel. Blood and Brain will be around here, and her vas deferens are dropped to blody lake.
I saw the spirit of Gadget who’s be sad. Flyed Away. Guts, blood and brain be here, when I hear the dark theme in the end of this game, and very spasmodic shout of Testoviron, as if nothing happened.
My computer turned off and under my house I saw the cartridge with this game. I decided to burn this game. Chip and Dale must be disappear from my life.