
I don't think you're going to believe me, but this is true story about my experience with Cliché.wmv.
I don't make videos on YouTube. I make them on my personal webpage (www.thispagedoesn' about all kinds of scary lost episodes and movies. It could be anything. I uploaded 69 lost episodes and 13 movies so far, and yes, there are Squidward's suicide, Dead Bart, Adventure Time: Socrates' wish, the EEnE lost episode 34, TAWoG: The Grieving...
I would have never dreamed that I would be experiencing one myself. A lot of my viewers send in suggestions and movies that they want me to review.
I had no reason to think that there was anything weird about this one. It was just your typical day, nothing out of the ordinary.
I received a strange package with my name on it. There was no return address, no other name, nothing. After opening, I found two CD discs. The first I found only had three words written on it with a black marker. Those letters were Coming to America.
It was none other than the cult classic 80's movie. I even did an episode on it. All before even glancing at the second disc. I almost wish I never had.
The other disc sat there on my desk, on it, again written in black marker were the words "Cliché.wmv". Through my years of research, I'd heard about this before. It was supposed to be a collection of the most ridiculous lost episodes and movies creepypasta tropes ever known to man. NO ONE COULD HANDLE THAT KIND OF HELL!
Strange things slowly began to happen.
I heard voices throughout my house. They started as whispers, and at times sounding like cries of pain (someone must have been playing The Last Airbender movie). Footsteps could be heard. Objects began moving on their own. You might call me crazy, but I swear I heard what sounded like a Kefka laugh from Final Fantasy. There was tall, thin faceless man possibly stalking someone, I could see weird-faced guy saying to go to sleep whenever I was in the bed.
My electronics acted like they had a mind of their own. Things would wind up missing, and later reappearing.
A strange shadowy figure would show up at times, just out of nowhere!
The computer would upload by itself lost episodes and movies, 666 so far... I was getting more popular.
All weird things aside, I think I handled it pretty well.
I still could not bear to even open the Cliché.wmv disc. But I couldn't help but feel that the CD was calling out to me. It wanted me to be put in computer. Even though I knew better, especially considering most people in creepypastas die a horrible death, I still decided to play the CD. Before I put it in computer through the CD tray, the shadow figure again appeared to me. We caught up on old times, before he finally delivered onto me, a letter. Adding to the mysteries there was no name on the letter, whatsoever. Growing tired of these odd occurrences, I read it immediately.
It said: "Dear Danny, I am sorry I have to be such a dumb friend, and send these discs to you, but I can no longer carry their burdens. Coming to America is not so bad, but whatever you do, do not open Cliché.wmv. It was the worst mistake I'd made. I went to Rent-a-Movie recently. For some reason, there was an old, Afroamerican without arm behind the counter. He claimed he was the only one working there that day. It got weirder when he insisted that I take the Cliché.wmv disc, free of charge. I didn't even ask for it. He screamed at the top of his lungs telling me that I must take it. It was even stranger considering he was yelling at the old musicals, but I guess he was half-blind, after all. I took it home, played it, and instantly regretted it. I sent the discs to you because, well, I'm a very bad, bad friend. After all, you have experience on these dark subjects. If anyone knew what to do with the disc, it'd be you. You claim that you finally opened the disc, and all you found was other cliché creepypastas, but I assure you that you are wrong. You must have missed it. You must look into it, but, whatever you do, please. Do. Not. Play. The. CD. It will literally open up a portal to your worst hell. Good luck to you, Danny. Sorry again for being such a awful friend.".
I inserted the CD and it opened the disc, there was a folder 'Cliche.wmv and I opened it. Yeah, I know. I couldn't help it. It was 125 minutes long.
I then witnessed one of the most horrific things I had ever seen.
The movie was already bad enough, but then, it was as if the movie STARTED TO COME TO LIFE!
It's strange, but I felt like it was trying to communicate with me.
Compelled to keep watching, I forced myself to turn it off.
I tried to go back to work to get my mind off it. That's when it began.
I was finishing a review that I'd been working on at the time, when I began to hear what sounded like a squid crying.
I know I should have just left, but I couldn't. I had to see what was on the other side of that door.
I opened the door, and before my very eyes was a literal portal to Hell. The letter was right.
Cliché.wmv had a strange power behind it. The swirling vortex called out to me, BEGGING ME TO ENTER!!
So, I shut the door.
It had all built up to this moment. Rather than pawning the disc off someone else, I decided to take matters into my own hands.
So, I picked up the disc, took it outside, placed it on a nearby stump, grabbed my mallet, and destroyed it. I was so happy. So happy to see the disc gone.
Finally, it was done. All was well. Although, I've gotta admit. After Cliché.wmv, I will suffer the consequences.