
After being made fun of for a long time clippy was Removed from MS word. He didn't like this( because this is the last message he sent). When clippy was even made fun of by his own company and wasn't included in future word programs, he became mad. Ther has been cases about people seeing him randomly pop up while there doing somethin in MS wordz. They are just doin HMWK or typin somethin like a Rough daft for a Creepypasta or somethin and Poof! out of no where Clippy starts out acting " normal" and says you made spellin errors and stuff. and then he says why have you abandoned me, I was your friend, why have you forsaken me? Clippit then begins to suggest different ways to hurt themselves like he tells the users to go get a knives and stick then in a power outlet, he even deleted( yes you read that right) told a girl to delete her MS word document. This girl didn't lissen though and she printed her report and when it came out clippy was on the paper, staring at her with red eyes. Whatevr you do, don't use MS word with clippy on it and type documents with caution.
Proof, the person who screen-shotted this has never sumitted another this was in 2009.