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The  Story

I was the biggest Cool Cat fan. And also the only one. I read all eight books, watch the movie over and over, bought all the merch, followed Cool Cat on Twitter, and prayed to my god, Cool Cat. One day I was at a Russian Thrift Store. The Chinese attendant came up to me was like, "Why are you wear this 'Cool Cat' bullshit? Here, have the piece of fucking Cool Cat garbage you American." He threw the disc pack thing at me. I tried to contain my boner as I saw it was a never legally release copy of a Cool Cat video game. I was excited. I got home and shoved it into my PC. When it began, i saw a picture of cool cat being quadfisted by daddy derek, momma cat, butch the bully, and trolley the trout! then derek fucked my ass wide. He glopped cool cat juice in my bum and i was turning into a orange cat and... COOOOLL..... CATTT.......

The Great Rediscovery

I woke up in a white van in Hollywood, CA. I had a bag tied over my head and some foreign object in my ass, A stranger says "Hey you little punk kid, (and im calling you a punk kid because thats what you are)" Says a familiar (And Somewhat orgasmic) Voice, The bag is off my head, and i see my hero, Derek Savage, "Didnt you create senpai cool cat?" He immediately has an autistic uncontrolled fit of anger, "W-whats wrong, M-mr savage?" Cool Cat Immediately jumps in the van and throws peices of paper that say "Copyright Infringement" at me, I yell in pleasure, because, its waifu cool cat, Butch the bully picks up an undiscovered gun, and proceeds to place it at the back of Cool Cat's head, "Your ugly and your hair looks like rat hair" He says, Derek, Still autisticly warm from his tantrum, Slams butch on the ground and smashes his skull in with his signed 1980s van halen guitar, Cool Cunt picks up the gun, And starts to sexually molest it, Causing it to misfire and blow his dick off, It soars off with the bullet exactly into my mouth, as i die, my final words are "C-c-cool...Cat...Loves to....B-boogie...W-woogie..." And i would not have wanted it any other way.