
This screenshot was taken from a split second frame from a corrupted VHS tape of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic episode "Lesson Zero", recorded by a long-time fan of the show. Aside from this frame, the rest of the tape is comprised of static, sometimes with a little bit of the original scene just barely visible underneath. This frame appears around the same time Twilight pops out from the bush with a crazed look and laughs creepily in a normal, uncorrupted copy of the episode. The tape itself was found in an empty house shortly after the owner (the fan of Friendship is Magic mentioned earlier) moved out of it. Some of the people who helped pack his things noticed that he was very anxious to leave as soon as possible, and when one of them pointed out he was leaving behind the tape, he hastily pulled her by the arm out of the house and slammed the door shut, then quickly locked it, leaving the tape behind. The woman that had pointed out that he was forgetting the tape reports that she could've sworn she saw a face just like the one in this image peering out from the window of the house as they got ready to drive away. Shortly after reporting this, she went missing. Investigators found her TV on with static on the screen, and the corrupted VHS tape inside her VCR.