
One night I was on Reddit looking at some dank maymays when I suddenly wanted to play some vidya games so I went to my Wii games collection and only noticed I had Honey Boo Boo in my library. "GODDAMNIT!" I said as I saw my insuffcient gaming collection. So I went to craigslist but only found hookers and decided to look for sketchy garage sales. I found one while I was driving through the ghetto. I went up and a greasy ripe old man came out of the house and said "WHAT DO YOU WANT IDIOT?!?!!?". I said "Hello fine sir I wish to see your game collection.". He pulled out a briefcase and there was a huge library of PC games marked with black marker. However there was one that was unmarked. I bought the one that was unmarked and the old man screamed: "AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH TAKE IT!": I decided okay and took and drove away back to home. I put the game in my computer and installed a game called "Coryinthehouse.exe". I gasped, "MY FAVORITE ANIME FUCK YEA!!!1!11". I quickly installed it and loaded it up. The title screen showed Cory giving the expression which expanded dong. The only option was "Start Gaem" which was spelled wrongly but I ignored it and started the game. It started with Cory in the whitehouse with glorious anime themesong playing in the background. Cory was walking down the hallway and talked to his dad. Cory said "Yo dad could I haz some of you're dank kush?" Which was extremely inappropriate since the Show strongly opposed drugs. His dad said "Yea I do but I'm not giving it you ya fat fuck." Cory was shocked and lost his dong-expanding expression and walked away. I was shocked and decided this must a hack of some sorts!!! Cory decided to go see the president. But he was stopped by a security guard and sent back to his room because Cory was annoying. Cory decided he needed to be sneaky so he sneaked out of his room with his now sneak-expanding expression. He snuck behind a guard and snapped his neck!! I screamed as I saw hyper-realistic blood coming out of the guard's broken neck. Cory said "It's time fo me to smoke dis house" with his returning dong-expanding expression. Cory hyper-realisticly snuck into the kitchen where his Dad was cooking meth and said behind his dad "My kush is in this house today". He then snapped his Dad's neck and hyper-realistic blood came out aswell. Cory then smoked some Crystalized Meth and took out an AK-47 and began shooting up the white house and killing everybody hyper-realisticly with HYPER-REALISTIC BLOOD EVERYWHERE!!! He then walked up to the president and said "I was a secret ISIS agent all along mate and my real name was Hory Couse
" and blew the president......'s brains out. He then smoked a bong and lit TNT with it and blew up the white house and escaped underground in his secret mole form. The game then said, "yer next m8" and had a picture of me on toilet show up on screen. I screamed and cried and smashed my PC with a hammer and cried myself to sleep. I was depressed for days and days and smoked hints of acid daily. I'm gonna die now so I typed this story to tell you all NEVER TO TRUST CORY IN THE HOUSE!