
Darn, I used to love Spore. The reason I say "used" is because of what happened. If it weren't for that stupid popup...
Only an average 11-year-old, I had nothing to do but play videogames. My friends introduced this new game, Spore, to me and I was instantly hooked. I loved the game so much that I spent days playing each stage, savoring it and sadly clicking the "History" button at the end of each stage and see what adventures await in the next stage.
Never take me wrong, I said that I used to love Spore. One day, I was checking for updates on Spore because most online games want you to do that, and it said that I was the "lucky 13,770th visitor!". I thought that I was going to get a prize, so I clicked on it. Suddenly, the Spore website changed a bit. I tried to look for a change, but I thought that my vision was just messing with me, or that the computer screen blinked. (Old computers tend to "blink", where the screen turns black for a few miliseconds.)
The website now said that my prize was to test "Spore Beta". I decided that I was a really lucky person and was going to brag at my friends as soon as school started the next morning. When I downloaded the update, it was called "CrazySpore". I thought that the reason it was called "Crazy" was because it would be a "Crazy Good" update.
Laughably, when I first started playing this "CrazySpore" something just felt...weird. I just don't know how to describe it. Anyway, I shook the feeling off and started playing it. My world was still saved in there, so I loaded it. However, I didn't notice the computer's camera light on. I was really excited for the update and wasted half of an hour trying to find what was new. After that, I knew something was up.
Oddly, now feeling that sensation again caused me to look around for a bit, and noticed my camera light on. I froze, staring at the camera in disbelief. I was thinking, "Was a person watching me this whole time?"
Out of the speakers, I heard in a cold, hard voice, "You're gonna die, kid." This strange man that I didn't even know continued to describe ways that he was going to kill me. I was really freaked out and tried to mute the volume. No use. The man told me he had already hacked into my computer, and that he was walking toward my house.
Karma was not involved, but I was especially terrified right now, because 1. My parents were out of the house for a few days, and 2. My house is three miles from the nearest police station.
By now, I could hear the man running on the concrete about 50 yards from my house. I was terrified, so I grabbed my baseball bat.

Eventually, he was walking up my front steps....

Me: Gotta build a barricade. Hey, a desk...

HA! Front door's down...

Me: Where's my BE gun?

Ah, that's better...

Me: Ohgodohgod...

I felt him walking up the steps to the stairs...

Me: Hiding position ready...

Not trying to open it, he had his hand on the door, twisting it this way and that just to intimidate me...

Dastardly, he just stopped. I heard a big *THUMP* and lots of air whoosh out.
Yelling loudly, I opened the door to discover that this stupid man had stepped on a stuffed animal and slipped. He also just happened to hit his head on a metal pole that was in my house for maintenance at the time. I consider myself one of the luckiest people to be alive.
Out of subject, My computer is so virus-infected, it won't let me start up. It says "Windows has reached this page in error. Please refresh and try again." Even though there is no refresh button when you just start your computer up. A way of refreshing would be to turn off the computer and turn it back on, but there's no use in that.
Unagreeably, I'm in prison for "murdering that defenseless man", even though I didn't do anything. My lawyer claimed that I had pleaded guilty to the murder. I am writing this to you in jail, so I can't tell anything to you, except in code. Here's the code: Read the first letter in every paragraph. Hurry!