
I like Cuphead, I am a big fan of it i play it everyday and i draw about it everyday i also completed every level and bought every figurine of it even the one with Mugman head on Cuphead body that is worth 100 dollars.
After playing the game for 500 hours straight i began to get bored of it and tried to search for some mods for it, after searching for a long time i found a very intersting mod that add new content to it but the mod sender had a weird username something like IeAtKiDz258 i said ''His username is probably a joke'' and i continued looking after 18 seconds of searching i finally found the mod, but strangely the background was black and the word CUPHEAD.exe was written in it. normally a mod wouldn't have the .exe format. I said ''its probably an installer'', huge was the mistake i made... after 45.2 seconds the mod was finally downloaded and i was ready to play
Finally I am greeted with an HYPEREALISTIC menu of cuphead, I said ''woah this looks great'' and there were three option (''START THE GAME, DIE , EXIT'' ) by CURIOSITY i pressed exit but then i saw a frame of Cuphead and Mugman Cuphead was covered with blood with BLACK AND RED HYPER REALISTIC EYES STARING AT MY SOUL I SAID OMG WHAT IS THIS And Mugman had a creepy HYPEREALISTIC FACE IT LOOKED SO REAL AND IT DIDN'T HAD EYES  i never saw them the same way after this picture I said thiso my self ''This is a bootleg i am pretty sure it is'' and of course i downloaded it from a guy called IeAtKiDz258 of course it was gonna be weird. I didn't want to choose ''DIE'' because i was sure it will be another cliché of a scary picture of Cuphead or something like that, So i choosed ''START THE GAME'' when i clicked on it i heard A deep voice saying ''You're Next'' in a slow low pitched effect in G-major i said to my self ''Woah just start the game already''.

The Game

After 1.0236 seconds the game started strangely i didn't get the opening cutscene that shows the story and all, the old cartoon music was gone and I wasn't even playing with my favorites characters but instead i was playing as Mugman.
Strangely there was no music at all when i was on the map everything was empty i only saw my character in the map and every level was unlocked, i tried every level except the first one but any of them worked, So i entered it after entering the level I heard a piercing noise that was very loud for about 4.05315 Seconds, my ears almost exploded, after losing my ears i finally got into the level, i was alone nothing was there no music no enemies nothing I said ''geez this game version sucks who is the lazy ass that created this'' since i have no friends or family i continued playing on an empty level because why not ? after walking for a long time i started to see the HYPEREALISTIC dead bodies of the enemies full of hyper realistic guts that were full of HYPEREALISTIC blood i began to get scared but CURIOSITY made me continue after a few more steps i got to the boss but before i could see it the screen began to make Loud static and every time i get closer to it, it gets louder after finally getting rid of the static by fixing the antenna i saw Goopy Le Grande but to my surprise he was killed and his HYPEREALISTIC face was HYPEREALISTICLY covered with HYPEREALISTIC blood and his HYPEREALISTIC guts were HYPEREALISTCLY thrown in front of him.
I really began to get scared i tried to leave but my character was stuck and wouldn't move i tried everything i smashed by keyboard, bought another one and smashed it again but it didn't work so i kept waiting until static appeared on my screen again for about 15.153458953 seconds , that damn antenna is surely made in China, but when i checked it it was pointed correctly so i finally noticed that the static was from the game it self (woah) after the static was gone i saw Cuphead with HYPEREALISTIC eyes covered in HYPEREALISTIC blood with an HYPEREALISTIC FACE and he was staring HYPEREALISTICLY at my soul and he was smiling at me with his HYPEREALISTIC TEETH, The develish HYPEREALSTIC Cuphead was near Mugman And kept stabbing him HYPEREALISTICLY AND THEN HYPEREALISTIC BLOOD SPLASHED HYPEREALISTCLY IN THE SCREEN IT LOOKED SO HYPEREALISTIC THAT IF YOU TOUCH IT YOU WOULD HAVE BLUUD ON YOUR FINGERS.
After that Mugman died, Cuphead looked HYPEREALISTCLY at me and said ''Would you like to have a cup of tea ?'' and he said it in a low pitched voice in G-Major just like the deep voice in the begininng, THE CHARACTER IN THIS GAME ARE SILENT IF YOU WANT TO MAKE A GOOD BOOTLEG AT LEAST MAKE IT CORRECTLY, I replied with ''No thanks i already drank some bleach'' Cuphead began to scream with a very piercing noise i didn't understand everything but he said ''YOU.. WILL... DIE.. SEVEN... DAYS... SOON... KILL... SATAN... TEA...'' and then the game showed pictures of creepy pastas for a long time with a very loud noise before crashing the computer entierly. It is finally that i noticed that the game is not a bootleg but in fact it is a haunted game (oh wow) Since I got afraid from Cuphead's menace i decided to go spend the days at an hotel, After two weeks i came back to my house and nothing happened to me i didn't even get hurt and i knew that this game was fake i decided to take a rest from what happened and decided to drink some water, when i took a cup I SAW CUPHEAD DEVILISH FACE ON IT WITH HIS HYPER REALISTIC EYES FULL OF HYPEREALISTIC BLOOD I THREW THE CUP AND SMASHED IT TO PIECES I BURNED IT THEN FROZE THE ASHES BROKE THE ICE CUBE AGAIN AND BURIED IT ALL OF THIS ACCOMPAGNED WITH A DEVILISH SCREAM FROM THE CUP.
I am free of the curse for now on but i dont stop seeing Devilish Cuphead in my dreams, I am not talking about chicken and gravy i am really serious this really happened like really, dont ever download games with strange names also never drink from cups or drink tea again you have been warned