
Welcome back you fucking werejohncandy! Time for moar fun and lulz as we poke fun at how huge that cyst was on your neck. Maybe it was from your fur attacking your neck as you apparently "grinched out", or maybe you got nabbed by some dog catcher. Who the fuck knows. By the way, is it okay to put up a weregrinch hate site? I need to organize these screen shots I have here....
I herd that cyst was a huge pimple, and when they went to pop it, it was like being oozed on Nickelodeon. I'm sure you can relate, you watch all of those 5-year old kiddie shows after all. Did they lock you up in the hospital ward while you were there too, so you can get over the fact that you are a weregrinch? Such lulz. And by the way, nice gesture, trying to make a nicely put farce comment on one of my lulzy deviations of you. I can read you over here, you're like a comic book...only without the funny ha-ha's in it.
Also, you didn't note the very small penis on that grinch I drew.
YOUR BAD. I was mimicking YOU. And is it also alright if ED does a weregrinch page on you too? LULZ. Thanks for talking about that huge pimple on your neck, now for some more fun....