I Was At My House One day and i got an email from 1234567869 and it was a file , i had no idea who this was, but it probley my mexican mafia gang, the file was called DR.EVIL.avi i downloaded it and converted it to an exe file (i dont feel like changing that title!)  and it started as a normal Dr Phil Episode, then the bottom of the screen said "Man goes into the store and kills small baboons"
i didnt know what to say, i was so sickend i threw up and puked blood, and then Dr phil Looked scared, not scared REALLY SCARED He was Hiding Behind a chair trying to smoke dope and have a good time, then a man came in and dr phil turned into a man 58 years old with a full figured divorce, a man came out and then got a chair and threw it at the auidience, dr phil said "Im not just some shmoe here" And unzipped his costume to reveal A REAL GORRILA, and then he got a knife and stabbed the screen until blood shot out of the camera's eyes and died, then it was pitch black for million years,
this episode was never aired do to lack of drugs,  i will most likley figure out what happend
I had a good chat, gotta run, thanks for your time!