
One night changed my life forever.
I was walking home from prom. Happiest night of my life. I was alone. It was almost pitch black. It was horrifying as hell. I was shivering cold. My phone was at one percent. I used up that one percent so I can call my mom to pick me up. She told me to go through an alleyway as a shortcut. That was the biggest mistake I've ever made. As I was walking down I saw a figure. It was tall and skinny. It was like a skeleton. Its fingers were like bird talons. Its feet were big as my head x2. And its eyes were a blood red. I froze dead in my tracks. I was so scared. I didn't what I was going to do. The figure started to get closer. My palms started sweating. My knees weak, arms are heavy. There's vomit on my sweater already, mom's spagetti! I turned around and killed myself with a spoon.