
When I was a young child, I always indulged in much food, with the hitherto stated causing me to gain much uneeded weight. One other hedonistic activity was the constant playing of the electronic interactive entertainment product, licensed by the game giant Nintendo, that went by the name of 'Super Smash Brothers: Melee'. My favourite virtual character I most used my controller to take command of was luigi. I had great sexual preference for his arousing style ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). But one fateful day the outcome of my life would change....
It was a sunny day, July 6th, 2002, to be exact. I was aged at 13 years. I inserted the melee disk into my gamecube, and pressed the 'on' button of my TV, releasing an electronic current and opening a current gate. The TV flashed to the words....
I instantly went into a panic, sweating and screaming for help. The horrifying nature of the issue was unbelievable. I turned the TV off. I turned it on again. NO SIGNAL. On, off, on, off, on, off, OH GOD! I immediately decided to fuck my anime body pillow to get my mind off of the terribleness. As I inserted my penis into the pillow and my semen sprayed out, I heard a groan. I went down, my rolls of fat jiggling over my naked private parts. In my living room was the most terrifying creature of all. It had bloodshot eyes, and jutting fangs extending from it's cracked lips to under it's pointed chin. It's long tongue oozed green puss, emitting a strange, inhuman sound. I immediately laughed and went to bed. The next day everything was pretty much fine, until I inserted the disk into the gamecube again. The game started, and immediately flashed to something disturbing. It was the new challenger screen, except I HAD EVERY CHARACTER. And, in the word CHALLENGER, an l was missing. I screamed for help. The challenger was iGIuL666, who was luigi except he HAD BLOOD RED EYES WHICH OOZED BLOOD. I fought him and I beat him the end.