

Warning: This story happened to me when I was younger last year. I am writing it all down as I remember. I will be updating this a few times giving the date and time I updated it recording all I then can remember. I wish that I found other proof of this game, but I was the only one. Just a warning for all your readers
Update Number 1: May 11 2015, 7:47 PM.
I was watching Youtube when I got something in my mailbox. I opened the box and I wondered 'what's in the fucking box?' When I opened the box I found a disc with a caset tape. On the caset tape I was told to watch that first.
I put the caset tape in the VCR and pressed play. I was staticy and shit and I barely Jack on it. "Morgan I'm died. Don't play the fucking game. It will make you go fucking insane. From Jack and Nepgear."
I was fucking curious anyways so I put the game in the computer disc section. The screen went black for ten seconds before a logo appeared on the screen. It was a title of a normal game with a new, fake, title put over it. The fake title was


I wondered what the title meant until I saw the face of a new boy above the title.
It was Davis from Digimon with a peace symbol. I was worried since he had slit marks all over his face, blood coming down and he looked saddened. Like he lost a loved one. His partner Veemon look like their eye slits were gone like they had died a very terrible death.
I also noticed a number at the bottom of the screen. It was '666', and when I pressed the button to play the number changed to 13. Davis gave off a laugh and then it looked like his face tilted a little bit. He said the following words. "Welcome to my world."
That is all I remember for now. I will be updating this soon when I remember more. Thanks for believing in me so far. I really am glad you do.
Update Number 2: May 12 2015, 9:40 PM.
When I started to play the game, I remembered what it was like. Instead of choosing who I wanted to play it just said level one. With a person I had no clue who they even were.
They looked like a mentally unstable person that was a young teenager. He had normally long hair and was looking down at the ground. "What is going on? I remember him being so nice." He said to himself and then he pulled out a card. With his ID shown on it he sighed and put it in his pocket. Not before I saw what the name in his pocket was.


That was the name of my player. I also looked at some of his player info. He was thirteen years old and I saw what his clothes were like fully. He had a white shirt, pants, orange gloves and orange stripes on his face. That look was familiar with me somewhere, but I just couldn't remember where. Also the name sounded like something I saw before.