
The video shows an outside view of SpongeBob's pineapple house for about 2 minutes. The door was open as if someone was about to enter in it, but no one did.
After 2 minutes of this, the camera shot inside to SpongeBob's bedroom where SpongeBob is sleeping. For about 20 seconds, the foghorn clock starts to make the foghorn sound, as usual. SpongeBob got up, stopped the clock, and shouted, "Hooray!"
He put on his pants, and said,
"This is going to be the perfect day! This is because..."
He dashes over to his calendar, and flips it.
"...I have to drive a boat. I feel like I am going to get my driver's license!"
He jumped for joy, then ran out of the house, got to Mrs. Puff's boating school, then grabs a boat. This is where things began to get weird.
He drives the boat without caution for about a minute, then crashes into another boat, causing his blood and brain to ooze slowly out of his holes. He just lied there without doing anything for about 2 minutes, before it cut to black.
There were episodes of clips moving fast for about 7 seconds while a low beep can be heard.
After that, it cut to a funeral where there are a bunch of tombstones. SpongeBob's friends were there, even Squidward. They threw flowers at the tombstone, then they all began to cry and say,
"We are going to miss you, SpongeBob," while a deep Russian voice can be heard in the background, meaning,
"Death and misery are both in your hands."
After 20 seconds of this happened, the crying and the deep voice stopped, and Patrick came up on the screen and took his eyeballs out, then cuts to a hyper-realistic drawn picture of SpongeBob with a stitched mouth, screaming, while a deep voice of a man screaming can be heard, with faint static, and a deep voice whispering slowly.
Then the video ends with static for 4 seconds.
As far as I know, no one else has seen it, but it's somewhere on 4shared called, 'deadsponge.avi.'
If they have the copy of the video on YouTube, then, this means that this has to be somewhat huge.