
It couldn't hear, the voice of ages.
Many men and women alike tried to speak to it, but it provided no response for it was deaf. Being deaf was it's purpose. Many of these came to quite the hilarious end when they realized he couldn't hear.
It reveled simply in, deaf.
An existence without being deaf seemed ideal, but sad deaf could not hear.
Being deaf was it's purpose.
It had seen people come countless times, as it too had seen their lips move but heard no words. It humored him to know that they tried speaking to him, but he couldn't hear. At the same time it made him very sad. He was made to be part of a cruel joke played on humanity.
Throughout his existence he had taken on many forms to interact with man, all missing ears. First he came as a ball, then a rubber band, and eventually the most malicious of all; wind. Every form he took on never held ears, because he was deaf and being deaf was his purpose.
Sometimes though even Deaf questions his reason as to being in the world. Was he just here for people to laugh at or was he really an 'evil debil'?
That's up to you.