
The Beginning

Have you ever heard of the game Democracy 3? You probably haven't, so I'll tell you what it is,


 is a government simulation game that was first developed by Positech Games in 2005, with a sequel released in December 2007 and a third game in 2013. The player plays as if they are the president or prime minister of a democratic government. The player must introduce and alter policies in seven areas – tax, economy, welfare, foreign policy, transport, law and order and public services. Each policy has an effect on the happiness of various voter groups, as well as affecting factors such as crime and air quality. The player has to deal with "situations", which are typically problems such as petrol protests or homelessness, and also has to make decisions on dilemmas that arise each turn, at least thats what the wikipedia page says. One day I was 360-noscoping Freddy in the 5 nights in Freddy's when suddenly I saw that the halloween Spook sale was beginning! I quickly prayed to Lord Gaben that there would be a good game on sale for at least 0.1% off.
I saw that only the game that was on sale Democracy 3 and I thought that it was weird that it was on sale since it didn't have any spooky skeletons, but I dismissed that since I was going to get my 1000000000th game for my library which I'll play once.

The Game

When I started up the game I realized that the title screen was a little strange, but I couldn't put my finger on what was wrong, maybe one of you guys could see what was wrong.
When I went to the country select screen I found that the only nation available was the US, even though there should of been 5 other nations to choose from, I decided that it was just a glitch and that I should just play as the US. When I clicked play I saw that my nation had no taxes and immigration controls were as high as possible. I thought to myself that maybe a member of the republican party had installed Mal-ware on my computer since I had voted for Obama in 2012. When I looked at the cabinet I saw that all of my advisors were members of the republican party. After enacting all of the policies that I needed to enact so that I could fix the US's problems I pressed the next turn button when suddenly...
DONALD TRUMP appeared on my screen and had this spooky image:
Because I was thoroughly spooked I decided to try and exit the game, but it wouldn't close, then I tried to shut down the computer, but that didn't work either. For some unexplained reason I just sat in that room and watched as Donald Trump said that I was quote on quote, "Fired". I could've just unplugged my desktop, or just have left the room, but now I'm glad that I stayed there because I think we can overcomb.
I'm sorry if I offended anyone who supports Donald Trump.