

This was a hard story to write since i was trying to get this disturbing bootleg of the episode out of my head (as if the finished episode wasn't disturbing enough with Mrs. Puff trying to murder SpongeBob and such), but i got through it and was able to write this entire thing
You see, I worked as an Intern at Nickelodeon also, i was hired in 2007, but after this disturbing bootleg i was shown in 2012, i just couldn't take it anymore and quit the job, before that incident, we all heard about the story of that Dumped bootleg some teenagers found back then and laughed at it, knowing it was most likely fake and any proof was probably edited from the show
In early 2012, a fellow intern brought a bootleg of an upcoming episode for Seaosn 9, Demolition Doofus, the plot was that SpongeBob injured Mrs. Puff so badly that she can't puff anymore, and in attempted revenge, Mrs. Puff tries to get SpongeBob killed in a Demolition Derby, it fails, and Mrs. Puff even tries to run over SpongeBob herself, but fails in that also, and somehow magically can puff again
When he popped it in, the title card showed Squidward, hanging, with his eyes gouged out, bleeding hyper realistic blood, and SpongeBob with a slasher smile, holding an axe, his eyes were hyper realistic also, the episode's name was also in blood
The episode began, the sky was very grey, and Bikini Bottom was in hyper realistic blood, when Spongebob and Mrs. Puff were talking, the audio was distorted, and everytime SpongeBob ran into another boat, some disturbing picture flashed
Upon further inspection, the picture was Mrs. Puff, deflated, with hyper realistic blood all over her, she had a slasher smile also, this sent chills down my spine, this is the most disturbing thing I've seen ever since I saw that Squidward's Suicide lost episode
When we saw Mrs. Puff at the hospital, we didn't see her waking up, we just saw the doctor and SpongeBob crying, with Mrs. Puff, lying down, dead, with that flatline usually heard in hospitals
As the scene was zoomed in, Mrs. Puff appeared to be bleeding hyper realistic blood from her eyes
The scene went to normal, SpongeBob and the doctor were crying hyper realistic blood this time instead of tears, then all of a sudden, Mrs Puff came back as a rotting, bloated zombie, letting out a blood curdling scream that sounded like ear rape
She got up, and The Doctor and SpongeBob screamed hyper realistically as Mrs. Puff tore their insides out, starting with the heart and lungs, that must painful to be them
The screen then cut black, and text appeared in red saying "JOIN US" before a screamer appeared of a dead body, bloating and rotting, disemboweled, the scream was very loud, it nearly made us deaf, the episode then ended all of a sudden, I called the CEO of Nick and Paul Tibbitt about this, when Paul Tibbitt saw the episode, he said "What the fuck is this shit, and who made it so I can fire them", I said earlier, a fellow intern brought it in, it could be him
Afterwards, I went to the office at Nickelodeon, and said after that disturbing bootleg, i'm quitting my job
Then just as I went to bed, I heard Mrs. Puff's deep voice say "OHHHHHH PAUL TIBBITT, WHYYYYYY", I screamed in horror as I saw a Mrs. Puff plushie, with demonic eyes, and blood coming out of them, as well as zombie flesh, I then burned the plushie so I couldn't be haunted, the end