

Before we begin I would like to say that this is a 100% real story and I have Dethnote.avi but I don't want to release any pictures or video footage because I'm afraid that you, the reader will be effected by the curse.
So one day I got an email called The Curse of Kira. I opened the email and came across a file that read; Dethnote.avi and text that read "pass it on or I'll write your name in the Deth Note." I noticed it was odd that he spelt Death as Deth but regardless I opened the file.
The video started with a dark image of Light sitting in a dark room. Than suddenly loud disturbing screaming blared out of my speakers at defining volumes. I tried to turn the speakers off but than I remembered that i used a laptop so I just pushed the mute button on my keyboard. I was also at starbucks coffee at the time so they kicked me out of there.
I went home and than there were police at my neighbors house. I asked what was going on. He said that he died of a heart attack. I found this unsettling because he owed me 10$ and thats ten bucks I'll never get back.
So anyways I went to my room and watched the rest of Dethnote.avi. And all of a sudden my monitor starts showing disturbing images of other creepypastas like Jeff The Killer, Smiledog, Slenderman, and Sonic.exe! But not Tails doll so I was a little disappointed about that. Truly this was one of the most original and real creepypastas out there today.
But than suddenly viewing these images made me cry tears of blood and gave me an erection, which was odd. I went to the optometrist to get my eyes fixed right away. So after getting laser eye surgery and having a spirit exorcised from my body which probably didn't have anything to do with Dethnote.avi, my first instinct when I first came home was to watch more Dethnote.avi.
So I watched the rest of the video when suddenly Ryuk came out of my screen and started chasing me, I ran to my Dads bedroom and pulled out my Dads ancient Egyptian exorcism kit. I preformed an exorcism on Ryuk. So I sent Ryuk back to the Shinigami world but than suddenly I felt a heart attack! So I fell dramatically to the floor in slow-motion. Before I died I saw the face of Light Yagami wearing the Shinigami eyes. Before you die, you see the face of Light Yagami, because we all know that when you are about to die you don't see the face of your loved ones or of the people you have done wrong to, no, when we die we see the face of an anime character.
So when I died I went to the Shinigami realm and I became a Shinigami, and somehow they got internet access in the Shinigami realm and that's when I knew something wasn't normal. Well now you know the facts.