

Chapter 1:

Hello, my name is Hanz. I live in the state of New Washington where I
work as a producer of the series Smashing Fine. But once I got an email
and then I suddenly got fired. The e-mail said:
''Dear Hanz,''
''I would like to show you this image of the doge from''
the meme:
When I opened it, my computer blew up. I only saw it for approximently
0.325 seconds. I got scared by the picture.

Chapter 2:

That night I had a nightmare. It was me being raped by a dog that looked
like doge. I thought it was a glitch and I woke up.
That morning I had some eggs and some patrick bacon. I threw up because I thought when I ate the eggs, I felt like I was eating my old computer.
I told my mom about the computer and told her that she should by me
a new one. This is how it went out:
"Mommy can you buy a computer so I can watch my daily porn- I mean
make my money on lottorfreis?"
Mom: "No."
"Mom, you're so old school. Grow up."
Mom: "Oh."
After that, she threw up, cried in her room and two hours later she hung herself.
When I got home, I was happy because I stole mom's credit card and I bought a new

Chapter 3:

When I opened my new computer, the wallpaper was "doge.jpg". It was there more than 0.325 seconds. For exactly 1 second. Then my computer blew up.

Chapter 4:

I couldn't sleep that night because of that image. I got paranoid, too. I kept
seeing the "doge.jpg" image everywhere. Later, I fell asleep...

Chapter 6:

15 years have passed and I got another job. I became a milliobillionaire with the
biggest house in the world. My job was to bang celebrities like Jessica Asian,
Scarface Johansson or anyone, really. Then I got another e-mail at 4 AM that said:
''Hello again Hanz!''
''If you dont remember who I am then I am nobody really, so shut the fuck up.''
''I want to introduce you to an old friend you may have seen earlier:''
What I saw was really, REALLY disturbing. I died because of the seizure from it. The seizure thing was red...!


The police had found my body 8 years later in the middle of Mount Everest and
a floppy disk next to it which is named "DO NOT OPEN PLS GOD NO". They didn't know how they could use floppy disks, so 15 years had passed again and they figured out how to use them. What was in the floppy disk was disturbing and everyone died from the disk. But there's only one guy named Osama Obama who survived. He created a copy of the picture...