
So a couple of years back, I had gotten a Pokémon: Ruby Version for the GBA on Christmas(I believe it was the same year that both R/S were released). I was really happy when I got it and played it right away. My starter was Torchic, since my favorite types of Pokémon are fire. I went off and played it nonstop till I beat the Elite 4, which was a few days.
My starter became a lvl 100 Blaziken which I was really proud of. My second favorite would have had to been Salamence. It was around lvl 70. Those two were always in my party. I completed the game, completed the Hoenn pokedex(with the help of a friend) and was on to finish the National Pokedex.
A year later Pokémon: Fire Red and Leaf Green came out, but I had no interest in completing the pokedex since I knew that they might not contain most of the Jhoto Pokémon.
I kept it close knowing I may play it when on roadtrips with the family or whenever there was nothing to do. Approximately three years ago, I somehow lost the game when we were packing up to move to another house. I was thinking to myself,"How did this happen? I always keep tabs of where it's at." I jumped to the conclusion that my little brother, who was now four and had a DS lite, took it without my consent. I didn't bring it up to him and let things be doubting that he reached where I had it.
When we moved to the new house, I looked for it all over the place but it never appeared. I was disappointed and, I admit, depressed. All those years in trying to complete the pokedex, wasted. My Blaziken, Salemance, every other Pokémon, and every unhatched egg that was in the game... lost... I was like this for a few days till I completely forgot about it. I was eventually convinced by my mom to sell my gameboy advanced and never received the money.
I moved out not that long after my gba was sold and rented a house. I found myself a gf and we were always doing things like romantic couples do such as movies, dinner, and late night horror films just to have her snuggled up close to me. A year later, I discovered emulators and was hooked once again to Pokémon. I finished the Elite 4 in Fire Red in a little less that fifteen hours. My starter was obviously Charmander. I trained him to lvl 50 and my Arcanine to lvl100. Charizard from then on stayed in the PC.
I had gotten a Dratini from the Rocket Game Corner, which took a really long time to collect the coins to get the Pokémon. I trained it and evolved it into a lvl 70~ Dragonite. From then on, she was my top Pokémon. I went to check in with Daisy about my Dragonite and she said,"It adores you. It can't possibly love you any more. I feel happy seeing it." That brought me to a euphoric mood even though I knew that it was just a game. When I was close to finishing the pokedex, I lost interest once again and abandoned the game for another year. It wasn't till I found my Ruby version that I regained interest.I found it strange knowing that I didn't pack the game with me yet I knew it was mine since the sticker was removed and my name was written on the back.
I bought a DS lite and played the game to see where I left off. Things seemed the way I remembered them and I was happily playing the game till Maria(my gf) came in and drew my attention. I wondered to myself if it was possible to trade in Arcanine and Dragonite from the emulator to my Ruby version. I googled it and things were looking kind of sketchy. Some people said yes and others said no. There were explanations of GBA flash carts and I said,"What the hell, why not." I bought one from Amazon and took approximately 2 weeks to get here.
I didn't touch neither emulator or the Ruby game till the package arrived. When it arrived however, that was the day Maria started feeling abdominal pain. We went to go check it out and it was her appendix. The doctor told her that she had to get it removed. I stayed with her throughout her time in the hospital except the times I needed to go take showers, get food and use the restroom. It took her a week for the wound to heal and another week for her to be capable of doing everyday things without much pain or the constant need for rest.
When I remembered about the games, I traded Pokémon immediately. Maria was telling me how video games are bad and shouldn't waste much time on them. I shrugged it off seeing how she hardly played any and spent most of her time watching soap operas when not at work. When I fired up the Fire Red emulator, I traded Pokémon successfully and was happy that Dragonite could come along with me anywhere I went in a portable device.
When I started the Ruby version, something seemed off. The music from the intro hit sour notes and the colors seemed much more dull. When I checked my Pokémon, they were unaffected by this strange occurrence and had their natural glow. Dragonite became my top Pokémon when I received it and continued on my already finished journey seeing what else I could do.
Reading about allegedly hacked games, I ruled it out because I have never had a problem with the game before. Things always occurred normally as the have until recently. I saved the game and turned it off fearing of something going on. I went back into the emulator and continued to catch Pokémon that I missed from the islands. I finished the Unown quest and caught some but not all.
I didn't play for a few months since Maria and I had our anniversary coming up. I started up Ruby once again to see if anything changed. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary and when I came to the start screen, I believed that the previous occurrence was just a dream. When I selected to continue, the game glitched, the screen started to flicker and soon went black. I thought I didn't plug the game in correctly so I turned it off, re-inserted it and fired it up again. I clicked continue after the intro and I was in the Cave of Origin, which was odd because I saved near Mauville City. When I checked my Pokémon, Dragonite was the only one in my party... I checked my bag and nothing was in it... I wandered the cave till a text box appeared.
"Why did you abandon me for so long...? Did you forget about me...?"
It stayed frozen that way for a while till the music began to distort itself. It dropped steadily note by note, each note becoming darker in mood and louder with each drop. Maria came in telling me to turn it down. I looked up to her, she looked shocked by my expression and asked me what was wrong. Out of nowhere, Dragonite's call erupted from the speakers which inevitably burst. I dropped the DS and ran to the door telling Maria to get the keys. Once again, Dragonite's call was heard which I didn't believe was possible since the first call destroyed the speakers. As Maria ran to the car, I looked at the DS for a second and I without flaw remember exactly what I saw on that screen... two glowing eyes with the words,"You shall pay for your deceit..."
I started the car and was eager to get the hell away from that place. As we drove away, a fire-truck headed in the opposite direction we were heading. Later did we discover that everything in our house was destroyed by a fire which the officials said originated from the bedroom... the room where the DS was laying on the floor. It didn't hold its accountable rectangular shape anymore. It was black, scorched from the flames and looked like something tried clawing its way out of it...
From that point on, I refused to play anything connected to Pokémon. Maria was devastated by what happened and was in utter disbelief that such a thing happened. When officials asked what happened, I had to lie and said that we weren't home when the incident occurred. Luckily for Maria and I, no one was awake in the neighborhood to hear our escape from whatever tried escaping the game. The officials dismissed it as a spark from an outlet that caused the fire.
When Heart Gold/Soul Silver came out(a few months after the incident), Maria wanted me to get out of the paranoia towards Pokémon. She got me a new DS along with Heart Gold. I rejected automatically and told her to get rid of it. She disobeyed and played it herself. After a few minutes of her playing it, she became hooked as well, telling herself how she saw the reason why I never put the game down. I let her play the game seeing how happy she was. She then told me that she obtained a Dratini... it was female too... I feared the worst and told her to get rid of the game.
It was late at night when she told me her Dragonair evolved into Dragonite... The game glitched, like it did before, the screen flickered and shut off. Maria was upset and shook the game back and forth. I grabbed Maria making her drop the DS and ran out the door. When we reached the door, a cry was heard from the living room followed by a pop. We were outside in the car when the house burst into flames... I drove us away from there and stayed in a motel for a while. Cleared up things with the officials who no longer believed that were weren't home when this occurred since the explosion woke the neighbors and saw us driving away. I told them that they wouldn't believe us even if we did tell them... looking at the scorched DS, the same claw marks were made from what appeared to be inside the DS. Only this time, whatever was clawing it's way out actually succeeded this time...
From that last experience till now, Maria and I have avoided any Pokémon game and kept our eyes to the night sky, hoping that she won't find her way to fulfill what she told me.