
I used to be a skeptic, but this really happened to me, and this is not a creepypasta. Everything here is 100% real.
My name is Tom. You may not know me. I was an intern for Nickelodeon studios back in 2003. There was a reason Rugrats just all of a sudden stopped, and I witnessed the reason. You see, the reason was because of an unreleased episode that was so disturbing, the disc containing it was destroyed, and was never mentioned again.
Until now.
We were getting ready for a screening of the episode. I was in charge of obtaining the disc. Before I put the disc in the DVD player, I noticed something odd about the disc. It was called DrewPickles.avi, and had a bit of hyper-realistic blood on it. I just passed it off as a minor glitch, and put the disc in the player. It started. The Rugrats intro was playing, and it was normal for the time when no characters were visible. As soon as the characters appeared, they were bloodied, on fire, and the blood was hyper-realistic. Even the characters looked hyper-realistic. They looked like real people, and they didn't even look super-imposed. We figured the DVD had some scratches on it, and continued.
When Tommy squirted his bottle, the milk was actually hyper-realistic blood, and when the title card for the episode came up, the music was in reverse, slowed down, and the name of the episode was "Go to Hell". When the episode started, everyone was on fire, with the fire looking hyper-realistic. The sounds of screaming were heard, and were loud enough to burst eardrums. We tried to turn it off, but it wouldn't. Not even the volume would change. We just had to endure the horror of this thing. After 2 minutes, many murdered and brutalised children flashed on the screen in rapid succession. We all puked at the sight of it.
After a minute of it, Angelicas dad came up and explained his homosexuality and how he did what he did. After that, he had sexual intercourse with all of the dead baby corpses. We were all disgusted. We tried to leave, but the door was locked. We tried breaking it, but it wouldn't budge. Then, the episode ended. The door opened. But when everyone walked out, a demonic figure appeared and killed everyone except me. I was very lucky to escape with my life. I could see a bearded man being led into a police car, and I asked the police why he was being put in. It was because he had killed hundreds of little kids, and I knew then that the DVD was not scratched.
Rugrats was cancelled after the incident, and I never worked an internship again. I can't even watch Rugrats without remembering that day. But, recently, a mysterious website appeared, and was sent to me by some email address saying that it was an unreleased episode of Rugrats. I was intrigued by it. The website looked like the most suspicious website in the world, but curiosity got the better of me. I watched it. It was the exact same video I saw on that terrible day. I'm going to kill myself.