
Duckenstein was never released movie it got cancelled when the creators first thought of it. There is no VHS versions of it but i have AWESOME VHZ PIRATE HACKFUCK and i have VHZ version of it (not vhs). 
The film was similiar to Frankenstein but it was a duck. The monster had rubber duck on his face and basic human doll what was colored to green. He made it alive by accident. 
The scientist was eating bread and then he noticed the Duckenstein was alive. Scientist said to Duckenstein:You Duck, Me Scientist. Duckenstein answered:What the fuck. I can speak normally. Scientist said:Wow, lets test things. Duckenstein said:WTF are you doing! This is baddest spinoff ever of Frankenstein and why im even living? Scientist said:Spinoff? This is real life! Not an movie or a story.
Duckenstein said:If i want to make this like Frankenstein i have to kill u... Scientist said:What! Who is Frankenstein. Duckenstein said:I have to do my job... 
Then Duckenstein taked gun and shooted the scientist and he said:YOU NEXT??