
“It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s its duck man” exclaimed a small boy leaning out his window and staring into the sky deeply. “Tim go to bed you little stupid!” Yelled Tim’s mom.
“Yes mommy.’’ Timmy said as he crawled into bed. “I wish I could meet the duck people.”
Many centuries away there was duck people but not like little
Tim had thought. These duck people were ferocious with they’re big bills. And white tails. But the specific duck is Steven the Cripple. This Steven is very poor and cripple. Yes cripple. He has no legs. Back to the story.
“Get out of here you freak!” Yelled a random Duckton as he kicked at Steven.
“The Commies will get you! Look
they’re coming already!” Screamed back Steven as he rolled down the street away from the Duckcola sign.
“They’ll get you all! They’ll cut you down and cut off your beaks without mercy!” Screamed Steve.
“Shut up you cripple!” yelled a random duck from his apartment. Steven then rolled into a sign and knocked himself over onto his side, as his best duck was coming along the street to see Steve.
“Arick the mallet maker, I assume. Well you just came along just in time, I bet you were planning it with your commie buddies!” Said Steven as he was trying to flip himself back onto his wheels.
“Now come on Steve you know the wars been over for many years. Why do you still try to warn people about the incoming threat?” Said Arick as he helped get Steven on his limbs. Just about when Steven was going to say something snarky and funny a worm hole opened in the space time continuum and sucked them in into another part of the universe. They flopped and spiddled through the universe hitting everything in they’re path. Finally they stopped on a faraway planet with blue and green.
They crashed into an alley way smacking all the garbage cans and breaking Steven’s wheel chair along the way when they landed at the feet of one who you would not reckon with. His name was Donny the muscle. This thing had very white skin and
a dark hat and older suit and jacket. It was dressed as a mobster from the 20’s with a mark on their nose and a twinkle in their eyes they realized who it was. It was Donny the Sergeant duck from the duckfederate army in the Vietduck war. Donny was another crippled duck from the same war, thought to be dead or missing. His special cripple power was the power of no arms. Donny then took Steven by is collar and thru him on his own back, strapping him in a back plate. “Nice to see you again Steven. “
Where are we heading?” said Donny.”
“Well to be honest I don’t know, we just sort of ended up here.” Responded Steven.
“Let’s just go then since we are very tired and are duck cripples.’ Exclaimed Donny as he walked fast with Steven on his back.
Many months past as they all figure many ideas out how to reach back to Duckland but none shall be good, mainly because they’re ducks and not human, so their thought process is different until they found one of the biggest news known to duck kind. It. Was. Duck Brown, he was a researcher for the Duckxis in the 1940’s he styled a very common arm band to proudly support his like for his favorite ruler of all time. “I say, I say I have found the secret of space travel!” Exclaimed Duck before a giant boulder came by and almost killed his tail feathers.
‘phew that was close….” Said Duck as a giant guillotine came crashing down on his
neck slicing his neck cleanly from the rest of his body,
“Thank Duck Geebus we don’t have to listen to that trash anymore!” Yelled Steve as a man walked up behind him.
“Well Steve I see we have finally met at last!” the man walked from the shadows to the light it was John Madden.
John Madden suddenly jumped forward and tried to bite Steve before he rolled back and kicked john in the face knocking out teeth.
“You’ll pay for that duck!” John then bites Steve’s leg and rips it off then smacks him
in the head with it and knocks him out. Before Steve passed out unconscious, John ripped out his guts and ate his heart.