
It all started on a Sunday afternoon.
My name is My friends, and I just got out of the cinema. Tired, and
wanting to relax at home we decided to rent some games. We stumble
upon a store call "Big Jimmy's Game" not minding the name
we decided to check the store. As we were looking we stumble upon a
SEGA Genesis game called "The Adventures of Eggman" it had
the same cover art as the first Sonic game, but instead of Sonic it
was Eggman. We decided to check it out, and bought it. We drove back
to Jess's house. Forgot to mention my friends name were Jess, Jim,
and Howard. So we got home, and as we open the case the the cartridge
was gray, but it still had the sonic cover art. We approached the
Genesis, and inserted the cartridge, and waited for it to load up.
That's when the weird stuff started to happen. Instead of your
typical "SEGAAAA" sound it was a distorted laugh as if
someone was using a 8bit sound producer. As we proceeded to the title
screen; instead of Sonic it had Doctor Eggman with a evil look on his
face he had these weird red eyes, and the background of the title
screen was constantly flashing. We paid no mind to it, and decided to
hit start. The game started in Green Hill, but there was something
disturbing about the stage. It was dark, and had a grim look to it.
As we kept moving suddenly Eggman stopped, and there was loud scream
of terror in the TV. The screen went black, and suddenly it came back
on, but instead of Green Hill Eggman was now in chains with a huge
ring on stabbed on his belly. My friends, and I decided to turn off
the Genesis, and shocked we all decided to all go back to our
respective houses. The next morning the cops came knocking on my
door. They told me the neighbors had heard some screaming in my
house. I told them no such thing happen since I was home all nite,
and sleeping. They asked me what exactly I did last night. I told
them I was with my friends, and we rented a game. Play for a couple
hours, and they left for their houses. The cop decided to check the
house, and I told him "Sure". Suddenly the cops calls me,
and says "What exactly happen here?". I told him "I
don't know" then I went inside the room, and my friend Jess was
hang in the wall with nails stuck on her neck. As if someone had
brutally murder her. I told the cop she had left, and I tried calling
Howard, and Jim to see what was going on. None of them answer. The
cop decided to take me to the station until this mess was fix. As I
was there the whole night. I had a dream or more like a nightmare. I
was in my room getting ready to head to sleep. Then suddenly I heard
a scream outside my room. Freaked out I took a blunt object, and turn
on as many lights, and I could. Suddenly this huge demonic like Sonic
appear in front of me, and I fainted. Then the events provided above
happen. Knowing no one would believe me I decided to write this
story, and sadly bang my head against the wall until I'm dead.
Goodbye World. I can't take this anymore.