
It was the year 1989 where I was in my room playing crash bandicoot. There was a knock on the door “it must be my friend“ I though. The knock went louder “and I think he has some good news” I though. I opened the door and there was no one there instead it was a dvd of baryard but with no logo on it. Instead it had text saying farm.avi. Since I was a huuuge barnyard fan I got the disk and put it in my dvd player. At the start of the movie there was a picture of a dead cow laying in a bathtub. Blood was everywhere and it lasted for 20 second. It cut to the next scene where ottas (the main character) was holding what seemed like a double barrel shot gun. Then he fired the gun a snotty boys house and it woke snotty boy. Then he yelled out “fucking cows in my house again“. Then he jumped out his window and did a roundhouse kick but ottas ended up shooting snotty boys leg. Blood pored out like a fountian then snotty boy said “you idiot I’m a god you fucking cunt” then he pulled out a butterfly nife and started stabbing ottases utter. It went on what seemed like hours then. my tv exsploded and I got so scared that I killed my self. The naxt mornin my friend came and to his horror he found me dead on a noose. There was a DVD next to me and it had text saying “don’t fuck with snotty boy hail Satian“ it had a picture of the dead cow. But this time it was looking at me. Then it was 3am in the morning where suddeny the tv turne on by it self and it was playing the simpsons theme backwards. Then there was something outside my window it was............ snotty boy.