
HAve you ever do your remember that game that Smosh was supposed to make back last summer when they asked all their subs for money to make it?  Have you ever wondered why they havne't made it yet?  Well I recently ahd a strange expereince that I think might explain it.
One time I as shopping at a garage sale and I bought a box that turned out to have a set of keys in it.  On the key chain also was a flash drive.  I put the flashdrive in my PC and a file called FoodBattle.exe started installing.  When it was done  title screen with Ian and Anthony came up with two option s campaign and muliplayer I thought that was weird because I mean the game hasn't even been released yet so how the fuck to they have a multiplyer alradt?  So I spawned in the first level and it was a battle between the donut man and the jelly bear.  So I beat the donut man and earned three donut bolts and upgraded my jelly gun.  I played through all the levels and on the last level it was Ian came out an started shooting so I shot him and he died and bled and eventually died.  Then a grainy bideo played and I couldn't tell what was going on exactly but Ian was lying on the floor and Anthony was standing over him and then they just stayed there into i until the video faded out.  I will never watch smosh again and I've unsubged from all their channels.fuck da world
Fuck David w