
there was a boy named Noah Holmes who was on his way home from school. his bus was just getting off and he went walking home with earbuds on and eating some candy. he got inside the house and started playing minecraft on his computer.
he was making a house, his usual normal day in minecraft, but something happened suddenly, on the top part of his screen it said, GLITCH.exe.jpg. he clicked on it in curiosily, and everything had gotten glitchy. his house was deleting itself, the blocks of the ground underneath him were falling and collapsing, and everything deleted itself. even the inventory box, the main part where his character Steve was. his whole world was gone. then, he fell under the world and died, in which made the computer shut down for some reason. then he tried starting it again, but failed.
again on the top left part on his screen it said, GLITCH.exe.jpg. he turned the computer off and went to watch some tv. with his parents not home he knew that he would have to tell his parents sometime about what happened. so he started watching tv and suddenly, every single electronic devise in the house, shut off. it was pitch black in the house. so he tried turning the lights back on, but they didn't.
then he heard a whisper in his ear that sounded like a girl saying, aren't you glad you clicked that? Noah, getting very horrified, luckily found a flashlight and ran out of the room outside. then, he heard the voice again, whispering, I'm the one in your games, Noah. and if you try to forget me, I will find you. Noah started screaming, and then he fell over, dead, with his skin torn off and filled with, a virus. the girl who had done this, is never known. some say she, was a virus, or a zombie, but I'm the only on who knew this, because I'm his friend, who lived next street, i'm Jeff.