
I got a gameboy on amazon and i had all gameboys now but it was red but in the amazon site it said. Bloody gameboy don't buuy it costed me 666euros i put in my favourite game tetris but everytime i put a block i heard my mom scream so i went to see outside and my mom was getting stabbed by my gameboy but i dont know why because i was playing it.
Day 2
I woke up and started playing my gameboy but now i played pokemon and everytime i pokemon hit another i heard my dad scream i saw it and pokemon got out of my gameboy and charmander use ember and burned my house and family so i went outside and got kidnapped
Day 3
I woke up and got hit up and the mysterious figure gave me the gameboy and said: play it and i said ok then i took out mario and he jumped in the man and died so i escaped
Day 4
My gameboy got no batteries so then it died and i went to the store and bought some batteries with the 666 cents that i had but then i thought 666 DOLLARS THE GAMEBOY IS SATANIST then i threw my gameboy out and satan came out but i had some water and a cross and i did the unthinkable.
I have a water i have a cross uhhh jesus then satan died
But he was not satan the gameboy was the reencarnation of satan, so i trew it to the ground and picked up a pump shotgun but it only did 7 damage. Oh no... then i threw it to the road and a carrr ran over it but that car was satan and died then the virus passed threw the whole world.