
You know how Drake and Josh (and all Schneider TV shows, for that matter) have a unique society based off of spoofs of current electronics and famous companies? Pear being the Apple company, being myspace or some shit, I don't know. It's all based on something or other.
However, there was an episode in the earlier seasons of Drake and Josh that contained an isolated reference to one of Nintendo's best game consoles, the Gamecube... or so people assumed. It was a red sphere shaped gaming console, complete with disc drive, various buttons, and a nice glossy finish on the outer casing. The reference was humorous to many people, myself included. At first, it seemed innocent enough, but after several rewatches of the episode, it became clear that something was off.
Something definitely wasn't right.
For a split second frame during the scene where the Gamesphere is mentioned, there appears to be a quick flash. After several rewinds and fast forwards, I pressed pause at the right time. What I saw... absolutely mortified me. If you ever bothered to look between Josh Peck's index finger and middle finger, you'd notice the triangular shape. The shape - commonly associated with freemasonry or the 'Illuminati' - is the infamous Eye of Providence. That's what was highlighted during the flash. The power immediately went out in my house. In a dazed fear, I looked up, only to see Josh Peck's mutilated corpse stuffed under my TV stand. What stood in place of my TV was the Gamesphere... I had discovered a grim secret.
You see, the Gamesphere is real. It is the eye of God himself. Always watching you, and punishing you if you look upon him for too long. I never watched any Nickelodeon shows ever again. For all I know, God is hunting me now, a vengeful being who wishes to forever torment the world.
Just remember. He is always watching. The Gamesphere is properly named. God loves to play games. And we are his discs. That is all we are. His entertainment. His playthings.
We are the Gamesphere's games.